The Harvest of the Planes: Difference between revisions

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Line 1,651: Line 1,651:
* 1 Brimstone dragon tooth that would be a superb short sword
* 1 Brimstone dragon tooth that would be a superb short sword
* Brimstone Dragon Pituitary gland which would be useful for xxx
* Brimstone Dragon Pituitary gland which would be useful for xxx
* Alchemical recipes inc distilling hydragym etc
* Alchemical recipes inc distilling Hydrargyrum etc
* Staff to create wormholes
* Staff to create wormholes

Revision as of 21:01, 31 July 2019

Scribe Notes


GM: Jim Arona
Season: Autumn 819 WK
Night: Tuesday
Location: Chez Caulfield
Level: High

Employer & Mission

Serafin, The Lord of Patterns

Looking eastwards to the Barony of Rivenheart
Looking eastwards to the Barony of Rivenheart

A group of hardy guild entities who are able to move through the Abyss expeditiously. Their task will be to investigate events in Victoria (London, Paris and Venice), Nualis (Axxumite Empire, Meroe & the Rift Valley), Reich (Munich & New Edo), Tanuel (the Lands of Chaos & the Keep of Faces).

  • His lordship is unable to provide secure points of insertion except for London, and extraction is entirely in the hands of the adventurers.

The Evil Dr Mesmer has been active on Nualis and New Terra, while The Lord of Dark Earth has been detected in Hell (the City of Seven Walls) and the area around Aeaea on Tanuel. The Lord of Iron has also been identified in Hell, and reports from The Lord of Intrigues suggest he has been importing military grade Helltech into Rabat on Sparlainth.

According to Wu Hsin, there is no nexus at or near Rabat, so either Ruach has made a new one or found one that had been lost some unimaginable time in the past. Or he's using someone else's that is at this time unknown to all

His lordship is prepared to negotiate with Duke Leto for one (1) patent of ennoblement for the heritable barony on the eastern border of Carzala known as Rivenheart.

  • 100tsg per adventurer
  • Salvage, except for the Blue Jade Dagger, or any chess piece or the chess board recovered on the mission. He reserves these things for himself - negotiate for compensation should we find such items and have to pass them onto Serafin.
  • Three Pentecost potions

Scribe Notes

The afternoon of the gild meeting sees us meet our employers representative in meeting room 2b. Once we've done introductions and assigned party roles then we talk.

He's a native of Victoria and he informs us that his master Seraphin The Lord of Patterns has returned to his home and is busy cleaning out the remaining snakes left over from Set's The Lord of Serpents infestation of the realm. He does relate that Seraphin is a bit worried about the fact that Set left not by being forced out through the astral but via another way as yet un-located, and that if we could find that way he'd be happier and Set also left with the majority of his Elven regiment of ancient elves.

He gave us some information on various beings and things of interest;

  • Mr Wulf. He looks human but isn't. He comes from the same universe as the trans-uranic entities but isn't trans-uranic himself. His skin is translucent.
  • We should speak to Typhon (he could swallow suns/stars)
  • The preparations for The Time of Certainty are apace and entities are preparing for it in various ways.
  • Ungoliant is no longer Beyond the Veil (she is still however beyond vile) and is on the planes doing evil things. Unlight webs are in the astral (as reported in The Exodus Agenda) which should be avoided.
  • We could investigate the pyramid in the rift
  • We could look to free the remaining elves stuck in the logic trap to possibly make them our allies
  • We should certainly locate and get what we can from the Evil Dr Mesmer
  • It would be a great help if we could break into and loot the lord of Serpents house on Feralie, however it is some 40000 miles in length and curls around the mountains on that plane so the chances of doing anything significant are quite small.
  • Investigate The Lord of Iron's plan and why is he on Sparlainth at Rabat. We hear that Rabat is famous for its Cthonic Demons who appear there much more frequently than other locations
  • The Biologian is involved somehow.

We spend the day travelling to Kilroy's to reset our plane of Origin, head to Blackshore to visit Rahne to get our lucky numbers and astrology readings as well as stock up on healing herbs, potions etc.

2nd - 8th Fruit

We depart the guild and head into The Abyss from Kilroy's house (where we have had our PoO reset to 'Kilroy's Little House') aiming to visit with The Lady of the Abyss along the way.

We travel the Abyss. On our travels we come across a field of dead demons (dead some 2 weeks or so) which included a named abyssal demon called Raznal. There are a lot of demons and their eyes have been harvested for some reason we are unaware of. We investigate what we can and gather demons body parts for alchemical purposes and store some 1000 lbs of such in Eric's portable room.

Seren senses that we are being observed by something from another plane which is a very powerful feat indeed. We worry and make haste, especially after Seren leaves a sentient darkness behind us.

We travel across more of the Abyss.

9th - 15th Fruit

We arrive at the Abyssal Manor that is home to Lady Faversham, The Lady of the Abyss. We have an audience with her and learn much.

  • striking The Lord of Serpents house could hurt him bit could also be a gigantic waste of time.
  • Regarding Rabat, it used to be only 20 miles between Rabat and Jerusalem but that changed, possibly due to a reordering at The Temple of Solomon.
  • she gives Aryan some Dark Sphere marbles (6)
  • she notes that Black Annis's have been seen paired with See Hags lately, wandering the Abyss
  • there is a triad of Cenobites near the pit.
  • Ungoliant and her daughters have been spinning on Tanuel, where there is a Shadow Labyrinth which attracts/holds twilight points

We thank her and depart - headed for Sparlainth to investigate what the The Lord of Iron (Hellish Arms-dealer) is up to. We speed up as Aryan becomes a sturdy mount which Nereus and I ride carrying our pet dog, cat, and weasel.

We travel - We're planning to enter Sparlainth via (Lord of Chaos Blades) Theiron's house in Jerusalam.

We get close to Sparlainth and come across another demon massacre site. Unfortunately those picking over the fresh site (figures wearing rubber aprons) saw us before we noticed them and bad things happened. It seems Blackrod, his carriage, 2 barbed & 2 bearded devils, and 4 Hessian Barghersts/Hellhounds (cunningly disguised as his carriage horses) are in our way. Combat Ensues. Combat ebbs and flows with the work of the participants and it seems that Blackrod is reluctant to flee this time (the coward usually does when facing significant opposition) for some reason. Combat continues with Agares turning up on Blackrod's side.

Blackrod's tricks
  • stepped into his own middle-march, possibly linked to Darkness.
  • using stack of Doom Runes to instantly summon bound demons.
  • triggering/releasing invested rituals to resurrect & complete heal.
  • Staff (hands at the top of it) casts and maintains torment on multiple targets.
  • physical strikes also Smite, Sacrifice and Curse with swapping primary hand.
  • Significant agility, defence, movement and number of actions.
  • Defence column-shifting quality of attacks down.

Great fighting takes place and much time is used up by Seren in good causes as she rushes around the battlefield aiding all and sundry, Aryan's chin is sternly set and he battles valiantly, Nereus is sorely pressed by Blackrod who seems intent on stealing his title and becoming immortal, Eric does great work dealing with the doggies and Kilroys good hits and tactics enable us to take pause and think.

It seems that Blackrod is seeking Oberon, The Lord of Wands for some nefarious purpose. He's constantly trying to strip Nereus's title from him and tries, tries and tries but fails.

Uvall turns up when Blackrod uses another letter which looks bad as there are another 5 letters on his letter rack. Eric (Jammy bastard award) uses one of his special dwarven alchemical guns to ignite things around Blackrod and successfully destroys all but one. Seren remarks to Blackrod "If you bring your toys out then don't expect to keep them all"

The last demon comes does his stuff and goes invisible to attempt a killing blow on Kern but he lures him into thinking he's been undetected and he (Uvall) dies impaled on Kern's sword when he tries. Seren greatly assists Kern by taking out the bearded Devil that was about to ignite 3 red iron grenado's by way of a knife to his back and the red iron grenadoes are gently lowered to the floor. Blackrod alights upon a yellow fire dragon minion that Uvall had summoned and flees to Caina on the 9th plane of Hell (the Ring of Treachery) with his surviving loot - including his staff of power and potions and more and ... <sob> <sob> - oh well he'll be back and we'll do for him if he is.

We finish off the last of the enemy that are down and injured and then quickly loot the field of battle. We have a lot of stuff from the 2 bearded devils, 2 barbed devils, 4 hell-Hound Barghersts and a Post carriage (requiring 4 horses like animals to draw it). We enter the carriage and see ifs a wonder and much larger inside than outside, it has 3 bedrooms, a large dining kitchen area, a storeroom alchemical/herbal lab and lots of loot including a library of stuff. Its a wonderland indeed. We load the coach with bodies, equipment (weapons from 4 devils) and more as well which includes the demon skins that Blackrod and co were skinning and other assorted Demon bits and Pieces (skins, eyes, horns, weapons and items they had etc). We then get our equine gentlemen stallions to come forward and so Kilroy turns into 2 horses, Eric into a horse and Aryan into another and we (Seren, Nereus and I) attach the traces, pour some wine from the extensive wine cellar in the carriage basement, climb up into the drivers seat and steer towards the exit to Sparlainth, where new adventure and exciting opportunities abound.

Other loot is Devils Skins, Hook Bladed Skinning Knives, 'Rubber' Aprons, Primary Pruning Shears.

Blackrod Encounter #1 - Treasure

In the Abyss

Dagger of Uvall x 2
This dagger weighs 10 oz. It is made of cold iron and prevents the use of non-racial magic. The base Strike Chance is 40 and inflicts D10 damage in Melee or Close damage. If it is thrown, the base Strike Chance is 61%, inflicts 2 rollup D10, and if it inflicts any damage, the blade will destroy itself inside the victim, the splinters burrowing heartwards which will kill them in D10 days. The victim may only be resurrected by a Healer who can repair Vital Organs. A successful Curse Removal against a 30 MA Major Curse will prevent the death.
Red Iron Grenado x 6
Rank 8 Alchemy
This grenado contains an alchemical incendiary device. It is usually thrown at a hex within range (15 hexes). The hex has no Defence, but the thrower's SC is reduced by 3 per hex beyond the first. Any Strike Check greater than 70 + MD means that the thrower dropped the grenado at their feet, or, if the roll is 99 or 100, has gone off prematurely.
If the Strike Check result is high enough to indicate a miss but not high enough for a catastrophe, then a scatter D10 is rolled.
On a 1, it was thrown 1D10 feet beyond the target hex.
On a 2, it was hrown 1D10 feet beyond and to the right of the target hex.
On a 3, it was thrown 1D10 feet to the right of the target hex.
On a 4, it was thrown 1D10 feet short and to the right of the target hex.
On a 5, it was thrown 1D10 feet short of the target hex.
On a 6, it was thrown 1D10 feet short and to the left of the target hex.
On a 7, it was thrown 1D10 feet to the left of the target hex.
On an 8, it was thrown 1D10 feet beyond and to the left of the target hex.
On a 9, it was thown 2D10 feet beyond the the target hex.
On a 0, it was thrown 1D10 <bold>hexes</bold> short of the target hex.
On detonation, the grenado inflicts 3 Specific Grievous Injuries on anyone up to 3 hexes away. Targets who are between 4 and 6 hexes away suffer 2 Specific Grievous Injuries, while those between 7 and 9 only suffer one. The :grenado inflicts A, B or C Class injuries, so all results are applied.
Targets are allowed to Break 100 + 2 x AG + Rank in Sense Danger to avoid each wound.

Hellhound Barding x 4
This black, hellmetal chainmail barding weighs 50 lbs, and is sized for a quadruped the size of a large dray horse. It provides 7 Protection, 5 Spell Armour and 2 Damage Reduction.
It is a legal target for spells that provide bonuses to the wearer's EN, PS, Defense or counterspells. With respect to counterspells, their duration is increased to 10 minutes (+10 minutes per Rank) but their bonus is reduced to 10 (+1 per Rank). The beast may benefit from the counterspells of an additional college when they are cast upon the barding. Spells cast upon the barding have their Rank increased by 2 even if this would take them beyond 20.
Wand of Disruption
This 11 inch silvered willow wand has a 3 inch tip of quartz and weighs 10 oz. It holds 3 charges of Rank 20 Disruption which has a Cast Chance of 20 (+3 per Rank), the wielder adding their MA bonus, Enchantment and WP difference modifier (currently, WP is 34).
The maximum number of charges it can hold is 10. It may be recharged by anyone who knows Disruption and the Investment Ritual. However, the cost and Cast Time are halved (minimum, 1 day).
Wand of Nightmares
This 11 inch wand of black alder is tipped with a 2 inch cylinder of onyx and weighs 11 oz. It holds 7 charges of Rank 20 Nightmare which has a Cast Chance of 1% (+3 per Rank), the wielder adding their MA bonus, WP bonus and Enchantment + 1/2 rank in troubadour.
The maximum number of charges it can hold is 10. It may be recharged by anyone who knows the Nightmare Illusion and the Investment Ritual. However, the Cast Time is halved (minimum, 1 day).
The wand holds 3 special charges which may be used at the time the illusion is Triggered. No special action is required, but their use must be declared before the Cast Check is made. These charges empower the Nightmare so that:
any attempt to Resist the Nightmare automatically fails
the Nightmare ignores a victim's Spell Armour (although not Damage Reduction)
If the Cast Check fails, then the charge is lost.
A maximum of one charge returns to the wand if the wielder channels 3 points of FT into it and rolls a prime number on a D10 (2, 3, 5 or 7) in the hour before dawn.
The Post Coach of the Abyss - Floor Plans
Ground Floor
Ground Floor

1st Floor
1st Floor

In the post coach

The Gauntlet of Mabelode
This extremely heavy gauntlet of the left hand is made from plates of forest green jade bound together with orichalcum and weighs 5 lbs. It has five fingers and one thumb. All are functional. It provides 6 points of PS and 6 points of MD to the wearer's left hand.
It may be wielded as a cestus with a base Strike Chance of 61% and inflicts 2 rollup D10 C Class damage. Specific Grievous injuries are checked for on 10% of the modified Strike Chance, and blows directly to EN on 20%. In addition to C Class injuries, any Specific Grievous result which is fully divisible by 11 means the gauntlet has plunged into their opponent's chest and ripped out their still beating heart which is likely lethal. The DM may disallow the result if it is not feasible for wielder to be able to achieve the result (e.g. the wielder rolls 11 for a Specific Grievous Injury check but they are in the rear hex of a dragon, 25 feet away from the heart). :Summonables, creatures with multiple hearts and the incorporeal are often unaffected by some or all Specific Grievous injuries.
There is no chance of the gauntlet breaking as a result of over-strengthing, so long as the wielder's PS does not exceed 42.
There is no offhand penalty when wielding the gauntlet as a cestus if the wielder is right handed.
If, by reason of curse, birth defect or witch mark, the wearer actually has six digits on their left hand, then two other special abilities become available to them.
If the Strike Check falls within the range for a Specific Grievous injury but fails to generate one, the wielder is entitled to a second roll.
By crushing the still beating heart of an opponent with the gauntlet (which requires a Free Act), the wielder slips between moments and receives one (only) extra Pulse of action. When the Pulse is completed, the sound of faint, mornuful horns and doleful marching can be heard in the distant east.
Note: The thumb joint on the gauntlet is broken, preventing anyone one from wearing it. It will take the arts of a Rank 10 Armourer 3 days to repair it, and cost 200tsg in mundane materials.
Scroll of Fairy Blossom
This is an incantation of the Herbal Lore spell.
Herbal Lore - Fairy Blossom
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour (+ 1 hour per Rank)
Resist: None
Target: Flower
Effects: This incantation of the Herbal Lore spell gives whimsical life to a flower that the Adept touches as a part of the Spell Casting process. A small, delicate fairy-like creature which shares something of the flower's likeness will appear and flit around, traveling, perhaps, as much as 15 feet away, and will chatter to anyone who comes near it. Aside from its ability to prattle on endlessly, it is harmless. It can reveal something of the nature of the plants that are within in 15 feet of its flower (15% chance) and it may know a substantial amount about its own plant (35% chance). It will willingly watch over the Adept while they sleep and wake them if danger threatens (10% + 3 / Rank chance to detect). If the spell is greater than Rank 10, the Adept will recover 1 extra FT point per hour of rest or sleep. If Rank 20, the Adept is considered to have received an extra hour of sleep once per night so long as they have slept for at least 4 hours.
Cost: 500
Constraints: Unracks the spell.

Blackrod's Workroom
Blackrod has been working on a variety of magicks in various states of completion.
He has learnt these Generic True Names as Runes and seems to have advanced them in the same way that practitioner's the College of Naming Incantations do:
Dukes of the Seventh Plane
Marquises of the Seventh Plane
Presidents of the Seventh Plane
Princes of the Seventh Plane
Barbed Devil
Bearded Devil
Nessian Hellhound
He has learnt these Individual True Names as Runes and seems to have advanced them in the same way that practitioner's the College of Naming Incantations do:
Agares, the Duke of Changes
Aryan, the Son of Thunder Not of the 72 named demons! - IN fact our very own Aryan
Avnas, President of Fire
Barbatos, the Duke of Virtues
Bathin, the Pale Duke
Decarabia, the Marquis in the Pentacle
Dharija the Ulcerous Maw Not of the 72 named demons!
Marbas, President and Master of the Seal
Oberon, The Lord of Wands Not of the 72 named demons!
Orobas, the Equine Prince
Orpinek the Footworthy Not of the 72 named demons!
Sitri, the Beautiful Prince
Uvall, the Duke of Sands and Wastes
Vephar, the Sea Duke
Volac, the Dragon President
Power Words
Blackrod has been studying three Power Words, two (listed below) are complete. He has been working on Spell Hex, but the notes are incomplete and unusable.
Blackrod has developed the following incantations from source magick, although he has not yet learnt them:
One of:
The Canker Rose (Earth S(CR))
Range: 10 feet (+10 feet per Rank)
Base Chance: 5%
Duration: Special
Experience Multiple: 350
Resist: Active & Passive
Target: Corporeal Living or Undead entity
Storage: Alchemical Poison or Ward
Effects: A magical seed germinates inside a corporeal entity, living or undead. If they do not Resist, this is considered a Minor Curse. Whether or not they Resist, they suffer a penalty of 10 to Strike Chance, Cast Chances, Defence and Magic Resistance, and each Pulse, take damage according to this schedule:
Rank Damage
0 - 5 1
6 - 10 2
11 - 14 3
15 - 17 4
18 or 19 5
20 6
This damage avoids Spell Armour and most forms of Damage Reduction, except for that which specifically defends against internal damage. It is not considered "elemental" damage.
At Rank 20, the penalty to Strike Chance, Cast Chance, Defence and Magic Resistance is doubled to 20.
If the spell is not considered a curse, the duration is 10 minutes (+ 10 minutes per Rank) or dawn, whichever comes first otherwise whichever comes last.
Upon death, the target will not fall to the ground. Instead, thorny rose canes will erupt from their flesh, holding them upright as buds open to reveal sickly yellow petals.
An Alchemist who knows how to make Poisons can produce a tasteless, odourless powder that may be insinuated into food or a paste that can be applied to a blade. The onset time of the powder is about 1 hour and inflicts the listed damage each minute. Either costs 7,000sp (-500sp x Alchemist's Rank).
Rune Curse - The Canker Rose
Target: Corporeal Living or Undead entity
Effects: A magical seed sets root inside a corporeal entity, living or undead. If they do not Resist, this is considered a Minor Curse. Whether or not they Resist, they suffer a penalty of 10 to Strike Chance, Cast Chances, Defence and Magic Resistance, and each Pulse, take damage according to this schedule:
Rank Damage
0 - 5 1
6 - 10 2
11 - 14 3
15 - 17 4
18 or 19 5
20 6
This damage avoids Spell Armour and most forms of Damage Reduction, except for that which specifically defends against internal damage. It is not considered "elemental" damage.
At Rank 20, the penalty to Strike Chance, Cast Chance, Defence and Magic Resistance is doubled to 20.
If the spell is not considered a curse, the duration is 10 minutes (+ 10 minutes per Rank) or dawn, whichever comes first otherwise whichever comes last.
Upon death, the target will not fall to the ground. Instead, thorny rose canes will erupt from their flesh, holding them upright as buds open to reveal flowers with sickly yellow petals.
Cost: 3500 Experience
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 3.
One of:
The Void of Chardros (Dark S(VoC))
Range: Special
Base Chance: 5%
Duration: 1 minute (+1 minute per Rank)
Experience Multiple: 350
Resist: None
Target: Volume
Storage: Potion
Effects: The Caster opens their shadow to the void, filling it with the hungry, otherworldly forces that raven between universses. They may extend this faint, two-dimensonal void as a narrow (1 foot wide) stream to a distance of 5 feet (+5 feet per Rank up to 55 feet at Rank 10. For Ranks in excess of 10, range increments are 10 feet up to 145 feet at Rank 19. At Rank 20, range is 300 feet. The spell may be dismissed with a Free Act, but only one such spell may be maintained at any given time.
Anything crossing the void stream must move Rank hexes to traverse it, however ranged, thrown or missile attacks are unaffected by this magic. This stream need not be set out in a straight line although if it is folded in such a way that entities would cross it twice or more, they are, nevertheless, only affected by the magic once.
The Caster may travel along the stream, exiting at any point along it (so care must be taken when placing it) which will end the spell. At Rank 20, however, instead of ending the spell, the Caster may draw the emptiness of the void within themselves to deploy it on a later Cast Action (no Spell Preparaton or Cast Check need be made for this). Drawing the void within reduces the Caster's MA value by 1, doubling on each subsequent use (thus 1, 2, 4, 8 etc.). This resets at the stroke of midnight. MA is restored at a rate of 1 for every three days of rest, or six days if the Caster is spending more than half their FT.
Rune of Visitation - The Void of Chardros
Range: Special
Duration: 1 minute (+1 minute per Rank)
Target: Volume
Effects: The Caster opens their shadow to the void, filling it with the hungry, otherworldly forces that raven between universses. They may extend this faint, two-dimensonal void as a narrow (1 foot wide) stream to a distance of 5 feet (+5 feet per Rank up to 55 feet at Rank 10. For Ranks in excess of 10, range increments are 10 feet up to 145 feet at Rank 19. At Rank 20, range is 300 feet. The spell may be dismissed with a Free Act, but only one such spell may be maintained at any given time.
Anything crossing the void stream must move Rank hexes to traverse it, however ranged, thrown or missile attacks are unaffected by this magic. This stream need not be set out in a straight line although if it is folded in such a way that entities would cross it twice or more, they are, nevertheless, only affected by the magic once.
The Caster may travel along the stream, exiting at any point along it (so care must be taken when placing it) which will end the spell.
Cost: 2000 Experience
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2, a jet figurine of the Caster costing 300sp+ which is consumed in the Cast Action.

Rune Wall - The Bridge of Psemrath x 2
Target: Volume
Resistance: None
Effects: The Caster creates a translucent grey bridge which is 5 feet wide, extends 15 feet (+15 feet per Rank) and will support Rank x Rank x 10 lbs. At Rank 10, the bridge is 10 feet wide, and at Rank 20 it is 15 feet wide. At Rank 12, a spiral staircase may be formed which climbs (or descends) 5 feet (+ 5 feet per Rank). One edge of the bridge (or staircase) must be anchored on firm ground, floor, solid surface or the like. By taking a Pass Action, the Caster (who must be in contact with the construct) can move everything on the staircase up or down, but only one direction in any given Pulse. As much as the entire height may be ascended or descended in a single Pulse.
Cost: 1500 Experience
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1, a fired clay sculpture of an arched bridge 3 inches x 2 inches x 1 inch of no special value which is consumed in the Cast Action.
According to his somewhat rambling and incoherent notes, he has also worked on a version of the Runes of Doom that involves targeting a diabolical swarm by means of the victim's Individual True Name. It is not clear whether this has been completed or even if it is within the compass of his present range of abilities. The phrases "FINALLY, our APOTHEOSIS is at hand..." and "then, they'll PAY..." feature heavily in the documentation. Upper case indicates the pressure of quill upon parchment.

16th - 23rd of Fruit - in the Abyss and Arrive at Jerusalem

Since the time in the abyss has been reset due to our unexpected encounter we start traveling again and have to undertake another weeks travel. En-route we examine the carriage further and discover lots of space, including a large number of essences, a summoning true-silver triangle set into the floor and more. On the way we see a figure descending from the crimson crack and we all avoid looking at it except Nereus who loses an eye, which luckily is replaced by a nut of Aryan's. We continue and learn things along the way - well those of us non equine. At the end of the week we reach Sparlainth. We have a brief issue with too many of us in the abyss and the nearby demons go wild but we leave them behind while we ascend the butte into Sparlainth. We meet a 'coachman' (a large abyssal demon) named Hansom who we'd like to take on as a coachman but the wagon has yet to be allocated and so we 'park it' for later decisions. Sparlainth absolutely covered in very thick fog (a sign of horrors abounding) is There we seek to enter Theiron's home. Nereus 'knocks' and a discussion is had and we are allowed in along with our wagon. Much is discussed.

25th (Jerusalem), 27th (City of Rose), 29th (Tyre), 31st (Sabat) and 2nd back in Jersusalam

We contact Croesus, The Lord of Coin and ask leave to travel his trade routes, to which he agrees. Travel takes 2 days to CoR

We arrive at The City of the Rose which is a magnificent city that is vastly underpopulated (it could be because of the dinosaur infested jungle to the north) and full of interesting people. Entities known to have houses here are The Lady of Dreams, Odd'un - The Lord of Runes, Oberon, Judecca, Damien, The Keeper of Secrets and no doubt more. The City is famous for its Rose Wine (60sp for a pint which cures 3FT) and Rose Brandy (1TSG for a bottle which does 6EN/24FT as per a restorative) and Eric buys up large on the Brandy and Wine.

We also note that the city has a large reinforced submarine pen which is suspicious indeed and that there is a redoubt connected to the city by 1 mile of high walls, whereupon is situated a massive tower and seige engines - known as The Thorn. We also note that the walls in places have been vitrified ('glassed') due to extreme fire at various times. Chthonic demons have been seen of late. Lillith<sr>/Lillen is a Mazakin</sr> and The Lord of the Dark Hunt is Lillith's <sr> minion </sr>.

At the behest of Croesus, we travel to Tyre - Travel takes 2 day to Tyre

There we uncover a smuggling ring run by Giovanni di Crescenti (an agent of The Eye of Discord) using a lanteen rigged galley (some 1500 years in advance of when it should be used) which we discover is smuggling healing potions and scrolls to Theiron (hidden in carpets and amphora of Oil etc from Sardinia) who in turn smuggles holy weapons to him (along with Wool and Wood which Jerusalem are famous for) which is destined for The Lord of Iron in Rabat who exports Tin, figs and Almonds to Sardinia and so on. We confront Theiron about this and he admits it and that its a most satisfying arrangement. We do wonder why LoI is hoarding Holy Weapons and holy water though!

Travel to Sabat to see the lord of coins. Travel takes 2 day to Sabat

Return to Jerusalem Travel takes 2 day to Jerusalem

2nd - 7th of Harvest 819wk

We travel between Jerusalem and Rabat, arriving late on the 7th and find a landing place outside of town to rest before heading in on the morrow.

7th and 8th of Harvest 819wk

We enter Rabat and wander the city seeing the sights. There are 1000's of 18ft tall fire giants around town wearing steel armour and having a great military bearing. Kilroy becomes violently ill and is unable to do anything but meekly walk with us, a pale reflection of himself. We do spot a notable woman who passes and we note her as The Woman in Midnight Blue who is attended by at least 2 Medeanite dancers and 2 ogre-magi so we keep low as she passes. We attempt to ascertain moving underground to gain entrance around the city but note a huge torrent of water just 10 ft below the surface and fear any tunneling or earthworks would result in huge pressure of water being released and who knows what else down there.

We shop some and buy a vial of Hydrargyrum‎ for 300TSG (well Nereus does) and we buy 3 vials of activated brimstone for 100TSG each for later use. We locate The Lord of Iron's home which is a roman-esque villa on the edge of town surrounded by iron spikes and more. We also learn that he departed Rabat on the 20th. We locate the woman staying at the House of the Peafowl. We discover her true nature and become even more weary.

9th of Harvest 819wk

Another day wandering Rabat looking for items of interest and surveying the area, awaiting with trepidation whatever Consuela, The Woman in Midnight Blue does next so we can find a way to disrupt it.

Early dusk falls and we repair to our room at The Golden Camel and seek to cheer Kilroy up who has been unwell for several days. 7pm sees Kilroy still abed and the rest of us discussing the day when the southern wall disappears from our 1st floor room and a pair of medeanite dancers and 2 apparent ogre-magi but now revealed to be Black Annis's enter and start melee with us while Consuela is in the connected room inside a summoning circle dealing more mischief from there. Both Nereus and Aryan are now pregnant!

The fight ebbs and flows around a sleeping Kilroy and we manage to kill a Black Annis and another one is down and the two medeanite dancers have been seriously hurt and retreated across the room to heal. We hear the sound of (we theorise) an Iron Dragon inbound as well, albeit several pulses away.

After a brief breath between pulses we consider our near future (next few pulses) which would appear to go badly so we decide to change what we'd planned to enact and flee instead. We put up walls, kill the Black Annis's and leap out the window avoiding the demilich handbag attack from the evil Conjuratrix.

Once outside the window we are bombed by LoI's evil minions but we survive long enough to be banished back to Jerusalem where we plane shift away to see David on Nualis as Nereus needs some significant healing due to some weird fragment of the foundation of the previous multiverse growing in his eye.

On the journey between planes we see a funnel of corruption fountaining out into the abyss from the 7th plane of Hell and a large number of corner dogs using the fountain as an entry-point. Nearby is an imposing looking man, wearing armour, whom we identify as the King of Swords (Mabelode).

David proves to be quite mad, and madder when we meet him but we cure that and he reciprocates in kind. We discuss the happenings and what we feel is LoI's plan, but are interrupted by one of David's agents who reports that U235 has left his lair. He says great the treasure room is unguarded for now so lets be off. We follow him to the pit in the abyss where the face of chaos was and which has gone now too! We head down the pit and enter the 6th door and start to recover various loot left unguarded. This loot is detailed as U2535 Treasure run (to be validated by Jim).

Items on the Black annis were:

  • 4 Cyber Arms with skill slots
  • 2 Annis Skins (iron enchanced)
  • 4 hag eye Agates
  • 4 extra Healing potions
  • 2 Gtr Healing potions
  • 1 potion of restore life
  • 2 Lugers
  • 2 cattle prods (stun)

U235 Treasure

Aryan's Loot
Potion of Waters of Vision x 2

This phial of blue crystal chased with silver weighs 4 oz. It is robust, and will resist the effects of an accident that will destroy it 70% of the time.
If it is poured into a container of water with a diameter no greater than a metre to view visions (usually precognitive in nature) or to spy into an area for 10 seconds. The maximum distance from the character to the area being spied into is 305 miles. The point of view of the Waters cannot be changed. If the Adept is not able to form a clear mental image of the location to be spied upon or command the waters to focus on an unambiguously defined point in space, then it is the GM’s discretion as to what will be seen.

Scroll of Protection versus Undead

When this scroll is read (which requires a Cast Action) a 15' diameter circle of protection extends from, and moves with, the reader. It protects a11 within its circumference from all melee or touch attacks from undead (ghasts, ghosts, ghouls, shadows, skeletons, spectres, wights, wraiths, vampires, zombies) but not magic spells or other attack forms. If a creature leaves the protected area it is then subject to melee or touch attacks as well. The protection has a deterrance value of 100. Any undead that come into contact with it may choose to reduce the deterrance value by 1 for every point of FT they expend. When the deterrance value is completely reduced, undead can pass through the circle. It remains in effect until the last point of deterrance has been removed.

Invested Gem

This hematite crystal has been cut into the shape of a cuboid rectangle 1 cm wide x 3 cm long x 1/2 cm thick and weighs 4 oz. The following spells have been Invested in it:

Enhancing Duration
Range: Touch
Duration: 35 seconds
Cast Chance: 55%
Effects: The duration of the target's spells are increased by 10 Ranks while they are under the effects of the magic.
Cast Chance:45%

The wielder adds their MA bonus (or enchantment) & Enchantment to the Cast Chance.
When the crystal has been exhausted, it may be made into an Amulet of Hematite that must be worn openly over the left side of their breast. Once, resetting at dawn on a Wednesday, the wearer may increase the duration of a spell cast upon them by 1 Rank.

Periapt of Wound Closure

This carved carnelian periapt must be worn on a non-ferrous band on the left bicep. While it is worn, the wearer's natural healing rate is doubled, and if they are subject to bleeding injuries, the first is automatically staunched.

Eugenics Dagger of Arya

This grimsteel kris weighs 12oz. It has a base Strike Chance of 57% and inflicts 1 rollup D10 + 2 A Class Damage. If the weapon inflicts a blow directly to EN or better, it will inflect a FT bleeder. If a bleeding injury is inflicted, it will increase the amount bled per Pulse by 1. It does not accept magical enhancements. Damage is increased by 2 versus any halfling, dwarf or elfe.
Spells, talents or rituals may not be Cast unless the magic is Racial while this weapon is carried.

Staff of the Serpent

This staff is made from bark covered wood of green and black. It weighs 3 lbs, has a base Strike Chance of 59% and inflicts 2 rollup D10 C Class damage.
Once a week, resetting on Friday before dusk, the wielder may use the staff to transform into a large python with the following properties:

A green and black python, 33 feet long, 11 inches in diameter at the widest and weighs 325 lbs.
The python can climb trees, etc although slowly.
Pythons have no special ability to climb where there are no places for their coils to gain purchase. In a wooded, forest or jungle environment, the python's Stealth is increased by 50.
Movement Rates
Slithering: 450 Climbing: 150
PS: 50 MD: None AG: 12 MA: Wielder's EN: 30 FT: Wielder's
WP: Wielder's PC: Wielder's PB: 3 TMR: 9/3 NA: Scales absorb 3 DP
Pythons may bite or constrict in Close Combat. It will only constrict after it has done effective damage with its bite. The constriction attack has the same special ability as a garotte.
Bite: BC 65%, [D + 6], Melee, Close, Rank 0.
Constrict: BC 80%, [D + 8], Close, Rank as Garotte.

Up to 35 lbs of their gear transform with them, the rest being ejected onto the ground next to them.
Three times a week, resetting just before dusk on Friday, the wielder may target one or more snakes within 25 feet. Any that fail a Magic Resistance check are transformed into sticks. To determine which snakes may be affected, a comparison is made against the combined EN & FT of each snake versus the wielder's current FT. Then, the wielder spends 2 FT and the magic takes effect against any that fail their Magic Resistance check, nearest to farthest. For example, if the wielder has 23 FT and three snakes are in range each with EN values of 5 and FT 6, then the two nearest snakes must Resist or be turned into sticks. The wielder's FT is reduced by 2 as if they had Cast a spell.

Crossbow of Distance

This crossbow is made of pepperwood, tempered glass and brass. It weighs 7 lbs. The base Strike Chance is 67% and inflicts 2 rollup D10 A Class damage. The Range of this weapon is 160 hexes.

Stone Morningstar

This morningstar flail weighs 10 lbs. The haft and head have been chiselled out of diorite and connected with a bronze chain. The PS required to wield this weapon is 36, it has a base Strike Chance of $69% and inflicts 2 rollup D10 + 4 C Class damage.

Laen Scale Mail

This transulenct green armour of fine, overlapping glass scales the size of a man's thumb nail, covers arms, torso and extends downwards to just below the knee. It is sized for a human man, weighs 12 lbs and reduces AG by 1. It provides 6 points of Protection and 4 points of Spell Armour. It is clearly magical in nature and obviously expensive.


Nereus' Loot
Potion of Heroism

This heavy crystal phial weighs 8oz and is robust, and will resist the effects of an accident that will destroy it 70% of the time.
. The potion may be used in two ways by an Immortal. If their power is completely restored, they may drink it to increase the total permanently by 1. If it is less than full, they may burn 1 point of power and recover up to half of their power. This will never exceed their total.

Potion of Flying

This dainty ceramic phial weighs 8oz and is robust. It will resist the effects of a destructive accident 70% of the time.
. The imbiber can fly at a speed of 40 mph for up to 5 1/2 hours by walking winds and air currents. Initially it will take D10 minutes for the wind currents to arrive. After the wind currents have arrived the imbiber can take off and land as many times as they desire, but to recall the winds to take off after landing will take D10 + 2 pulses. When taking off, it takes one pulse to accelerate to full speed. If the target tries to land, it will take one pulse to slow to a standstill. The target can only travel into places where air currents or winds are possible. This will not normally occur inside buildings or tunnels.

Invested Iris

This cabochon iris is a bright, transparent blue dome the size of a groat with a centre of which is the colour of midnight. It weighs 1 oz. The following spells are Invested in it:

Bolt of Fire
Rank 10
Range: 275 feet
Cast Chance: 70%
Resist: Passive
Target: Entity, Object, Area
Effects: Triggering this spell causes a bolt of Fire to streak from the hand towards anywhere in range. The first entity or object the bolt hits in its path must resist or suffer D10 +10 fire damage. If the bolt does not hit anything it will dissipate at the end of its range.
Converse with Spirits
Range: 60 feet
Duration: 55 minutes
Base Chance: 60%
Resist: None
Effects: Should the spell be successfully triggered, this spell will allow converse with a single human spirit which is within range. This spell does not compel any spirit to answer any question and if they do answer then it does not compel them to speak the truth.
Trapping the Spirit
Range: 60 feet
Duration: 18 hours & 20 minutes
Cast Chance: 35%
Resist: None
Target: Human Spirit
Effects: Any Targeted spirit within range will be drawn to the iris and trapped there for 18 hours and 20 minutes.
Storm Calling
Range: Works at any range
Duration: 6 hours
Base Chance: 70%
Resist: None
Effects: The Adept may summon any storm front which may exist anywhere in sight. Upon reaching the spot occupied by the Adept at the time of casting, the storm front will slow and finally cease moving and begin a downpour (snow, rain, hail, sleet, or whatever else that the GM feels the clouds may contain). Generally a storm front can be seen for 20 to 30 miles. If no front can be seen the spell may still be cast, but the Base Chance is reduced by 20. The storm front will take [D10 - 7] minutes to arrive. Once the duration has expired, the weather will gradually return to normal over a similar amount of time.
Invested Bristol Diamond

This polished bristol diamond is about the size and shape of a quail's egg. It weighs 4 oz. The following spells are Invested in it:

Flame Walk
Rank 10
Range: Touch
Duration: 20 minutes
Cast Chance:50%
Effects: While the target was moving at the time they were attacked by Fire (magical or otherwise), they ignore the first 10 points of damage. This applies before any other mitigations and after all avoidances have been applied.
Gem Creation
Rank 10
Cast Chance:40%
Effects: This spell creates two gemstones of 500sp or better value that dissipate after 10 days.
Knockout Gas
Rank 10
Range: 130 feet
Duration: 55 minutes
Cast Chance:45%
Effects: This spell creates a heavy cloud of knockout gas that rises 20 feet above the ground. The area has a diameter of 65 feet. The gas is invisible and pungent smelling and any entity within the gas must resist. If they fail to resist, they must roll under 2 EN each Pulse or fall unconscious (not asleep) while they remain within the gas. Any wind over 15 mph will disperse the gas in D-Force pulses. Once the gas is dispersed, the duration expires, or a victim is removed from the area, any unconscious entities will recover in 3 Pulses.
Rank 10
Range: 165 feet
Duration: 55 minutes
Cast Chance:75%
Target: Object or Entity
Effects: The target becomes invisible and may not be seen by non-magical means. An invisible thing does not have a shadow or a reflection. They have no impact on their environment as a result of the effects of light in any form. The converse is not true - light still affects the target (e.g. may still see, be hit by Blackfire etc.) Invisibility may be cast over objects or entities (and any possessions of either). An object’s possessions are any thing which is totally enclosed by that object (e.g. coins in an invisible chest which is closed, but not one which is open). If a thing ceases to be a possession, then the spell will not affect it. Similarly if an object becomes a possession then the spell will affect it (i.e. an object put down by an invisible entity will become seen; a coin put in the invisible chest will become invisible). Note that light may not be a possession — if the target is carrying a lantern it will be invisible, but the light it emits will not.
The spell ceases to work whenever the target makes a strike check (whether resulting in a “hit” or not) that does not involve a Thrown or Missile weapon (used as such). The target may always choose to end the spell at any time.
Rank 10
Range: 165 feet
Cast Chance:60%
Effects: Instantly opens any one object or portal, including those magically locked. One lock will be affected by this spell. If this removes all of the locks on the openable object, the door will become immediately open (ajar).
Illusionary Animal
Rank 10
Range: 165 feet
Duration: 1 hr 50 minutes
Cast Chance:65%
Effects: An Illusion of a non-magical, non-sentient creature of no larger than 110 lbs is created. The Illusion will have the instincts of the creature it is based on, though it will obey most simple mental instructions from the Adept.
This communication is one-way, and may only occur while the animal is within range of the spell. No other communication is possible - it has no mind. The animal has the minimum PS, MD, AG, TMR and PC for the selected creature. The animal is solid, and can bear weight. It cannot attack effectively, nor cause fear. Only creatures previously observed by the Adept may be created. Smell, sound and feel are created as appropriate. If damaged, the Illusion is dissipated. The Adept may perceive through the animal’s senses of taste and smell.
Strength of Stone
Rank 10
Range: 10 feet
Duration: 11 hours
Base Chance: 50%
Target: Entity
Effects: The target of this spell has either their Physical Strength or Endurance increased by 10.
Rune Lock
Range: Touch
Duration: 11 hours
Base Chance: 70%
Target: Aperture, window, door or portal
Effects: 100 points of damage must be inflicted on the seal locking the aperture, window, door or portal before any other attempt to open it may be attempted.
Range: Touch
Duration: 11 days
Base Chance: 55%
Target: Object
Effects: One object is transformed into a representative figurine of itself. This spell will fail if the target is not free-standing or if the target does not fit within a 15 foot cube. The figurine will look like the original item but have the structural strength of soft wood and will have no moving parts. The figurine will be 1/12th of the size (min 1 inch in its longest dimension) and 1/10th the weight of the original. Any items contained within the target will not be affected, and may destroy the item as it shrinks. The figurine will revert to normal when the spell expires or the figurine is broken.
Bound Speech
Range: 11 feet
Duration: 11 days
Base Chance: 70%
Target: Object, Area of Object
Effects: This spell allows the Adept to record a verbal message in an object, and defines the conditions under which the message will be replayed. This spell operates in most respects similarly to the Ward ritual, except that the range is the range of this spell or touch, and a message is stored instead of a spell. The message is replayed exactly as the Adept recorded it, and may contain any verbalisations that the Adept is capable of. The message may not exceed 35 words. Unlike the Ward ritual, the message may be triggered 5 additional times.

From time to time, the stone blinks.

Javelin of Piercing

This willow replica of javelin weighs 8 oz and contains 8 charges. When it is pointed at a target within 120 hexes and the word "Havoc" uttered, a javelin manifests and launches itself. There is no penalty for range, the base Strike Chance is 80% and inflicts 2 rollup D10 + 6 A Class damage, then disappears.

Dagger of Venom

The hilt of this slender dagger is made of cedarwood wrapped in copper wire and the blade is obsidian. It weighs 8 oz, has a base Strike Chance of 57%, inflicts 2 roll-up D10 A Class damage. It is not balanced for throwing, so 10 is added to the die roll when it is used this way. Its hilt holds a store of poison. Any blow directly to EN or better automatically injects a poison into the opponent. The reservoir holds 6 doses of poison, and more can be poured within when less than that amount is within the hilt. The dagger is attracted to those whose moral position is upright, decent and honest. It will lend its every endeavor to forcing such a character into moral anguish and quandaries.

Holy Avenger

This star-silver broadsword weighs 3 lbs, the hilt dressed with grey shark skin bound on with bronze wire. It has a base Srike Chance of 61 and inflicts 2 roll-up D10 B Class damage. In the hands of a character committed to the ideals of human betterment, the base Strike Chance rises to 73%, inflicts 2 roll-up D10 + 3 B Class damage and allows them to:

create an area of Magic Resistance of 50% over their mega-hex
dispel magic in their mega-hex

Versus the unholy, damage increases to 3 roll-up D10 + 3 hit points B Class damage.

Magebane Blade

This grimsteel broadsword weighs 3lbs. It has a base Strike Chance of 67% and inflicts 2 rollup D10 B Class Damage. It does not accept magical enhancements. Damage is increased by 1 versus any entity that Casts spells or creatures that are enchanted or fantastical.
Spells, talents or rituals may not be Cast unless the magic is Racial while this weapon is carried.

Heavy Plate Armour

This grimsteel plate armour is sized for a human male, weighs 48 lbs, penalises AG by 2 and Stealth by 20. It provides 14 Protection, 4 Endurance Armour, and 3 Spell Armour. It improves Defence by 5 and Magic Resistance by 3. It may be repaired by an Armourer who knows how to make Heavy Plate, each point of Protection costing 10 tsg or more in materiel and requiring three days in a forge.

Bag of Holding

This coarse, brown, hessian bag weighs 35 lbs and can contain 250 lbs of anything that fit in through the hole, which is 12 inches across.


Kern's Loot
Potion of Diminuition

This miniature black and red stoneware ewer weighs 1 lb. It is robust and will resist the effects of an accident that will destroy it 80% of the time.
. Whoever drinks this potion is reduced to 1/12th their height and 1/144th their weight for an hour. PS and EN is reduced by 12, TMR is reduced by 3 to a minimum of 1. Stealth is increased by 50.

Potion of Extra Healing

This heavy green glass phial is robust and weighs 7oz. It will resist the effects of an accident that might destroy it 70% of the time.
When it is drunk, it restores 8 FT lost to damage (only) and heals 3 roll-up D10 + 20 damage.

Scroll of Protection vs Lycanthropes

The scroll requires a Cast Action to trigger, and creates an invisible Circle of Protection over a mega-hex. The reader may nominate for it to centre on themselves or a place they touch. Lycanthropes must Resist, adding 20 to the result of their die roll or be prevented from crossing the barrier. Even if they make it inside the circle, 20 is added to their Magic Resistance until they leave it or the magic ends. The circle is invisible to anyone whose Witch-sight is equal to or greater than 20, in which case it will appear as a glowing red circle.

Invested Tiger's Eye

This semi-precious stone has been cut into the shape of an eye and weighs 4 oz. The following spells have been been Invested in it:

Summon and Bind Creature of Darkness
Rank 10
Cast Chance:60%
Effects: Once this charge has been discharged, 3 tigers will appear in D10 Pulses. They are obedient to their summoner, if they can speak with them and have the following stats
Each tiger is orange with black stripes and 7 feet in length, weighing 450 pounds.
The tigers enjoy swimming and will be undeterred by a water barrier between them and their prey.
The tigers base Stealth is 120%, have no special talents or skills and are not tool or magic users.
Movement Rates
Running: 450
PS: 28 MD: 26 AG: 30 MA: None EN: 24 FT: 29
WP: 10 PC: 23 PB: 9 TMR: 9 NA: Fur absorbs 3 DP
Tigers may use one bite or two claws in Melee Combat, or one bite and four claws in Close Combat. Tigers will attempt to Close.
Bite: BC 45%, [D + 2], Melee & Close, Rank 0.
Claws: BC 30%, [D – 1], Melee & Close, Rank 2.
Potion of Waters of Vision

This phial of blue crystal chased with silver weighs 4 oz. It is robust, and will resist the effects of an accident that will destroy it 70% of the time.
If it is poured into a container of water with a diameter no greater than a metre to view visions (usually precognitive in nature) or to spy into an area for 10 seconds. The maximum distance from the character to the area being spied into is 305 miles. The point of view of the Waters cannot be changed. If the Adept is not able to form a clear mental image of the location to be spied upon or command the waters to focus on an unambiguously defined point in space, then it is the GM’s discretion as to what will be seen.

Talisman of Pure Evil

The wielder has the power to cause a religious of holiness to be swallowed up forever in a flaming crack that will open at their feet, precipitating them to the center of the earth. The wielder of the talisman will become progressively more psychotic while it is in their possession, and on each occasion of its use, become of interest to morally charged powers from other planes, who may seek to destroy or recruit them depending on their preferences.

7 6 5 4 3 2 1

When the first charge is used, the talisman becomes soulbound to the wielder, and may never be removed.

Grimsteel Chain Mail

This chain mail is a dark grey that is particularly matte. It is sized for a human, and weighs 24lbs. It penalises AG by 1, provides 9 Protection, 3 Endurance Armour and 3 Spell Armour. The wearer's MR is increased by 9, but spells, talents or rituals may not be Cast unless the magic is Racial.

Grimsteel Chain Mail

This chain mail is a dark grey that is particularly matte. It is sized for a human, and weighs 30lbs. It penalises AG by 1, provides 7 Protection, 1 Endurance Armour and 1 Spell Armour. The wearer's MR is increased by 7, but spells, talents or rituals may not be Cast unless the magic is Racial.

Brandestoc Fork

This hafted weapon is non-magical and has been Weapon-smithed so that it has the properties of a trident and a spear which may be wielded 1 or 2-handed. The shaft is made of ebony adorned with a pair of star-silver tines that reflect blue light when they are within 50 feet of goblins, orcs, ogres or trolls. It does not shed light to anyone except the wielder if they are an Elf or Peredhel. It weighs 7 lbs, provides a base Strike Chance of 61% and base A or C Class damage of 2 roll-up D10 +5. Ranks in spear and trident are cumulative, but bonuses from having greater than required PS are ignored.
Only the outer tines of the trident are visible, the middle being deployed by means of a Rank 8 Mechanical Trap, allowing an extra attack (which is a Free Act) with a base Strike Chance of 53% and base A Class damage of 1 roll-up D10 + 3. It takes 3 Pulses for the wielder to rearm the trap. The weapon can be wielded 1 or 2-handed and may benefit from having a weapon spell cast upon it.

Burning Blade

This bronze broadsword is slender, is double-edged and holds a large fire opal worth 20tsg at the centre of the hilt.It has been Weapon-smithed so that it has the properties of a broadsword and a shortsword, weighs 2 lbs and requires 12 PS to wield. It has a base Strike Chance of 67% and inflicts base A or B Class Damage of 2 roll-up D10 + 4. Ranks in short-sword and broadsword are cumulative, but bonuses to damage from having greater than required PS are ignored.
The weapon may benefit from having a Weapon of Flames or Rune Weapon spell cast upon it, in which case it will burst into flames. In addition, if the target regenerates, uses ice or cold magic, is flammable, an avian or (not insubstantial) undead, then they must Break 100 => EN or catch on fire. An entity that is on fire suffers 1 roll-up D10 damage per Pulse until the flames are put out. This usually takes a Pass Action but the DM may rule that some creatures (for example, avians, mummies, scarecrows or the like) may need to spend 3 Pass Actions.

Glass Spear

The haft of this spear is made from bitter yew, the head crafted from a splinter of glass and weighs 2 lbs. The base Strike Chance is 57% and inflicts base A Class damage of 2 roll-up D10.
If it is thrown to attack a target within range, a thrown Strike Check is made, but unless the modified Strike Chance is less than 10%, the sum of 2 D10 is used to determine which Specific Grievous injury is to be applied. This destroys the spear, which in turn will inflict 3 roll-up D10 EN damage to the target. This weapon may benefit from having any weapon spell except Weapon of Flames cast upon it.


Serendipitiy's Loot
Love Philtre

This phial of pink crystal chased with brass weighs 4 oz. It is robust, and will resist the effects of an accident that will destroy it 70% of the time. Whoever drinks the Love Philtre which will cause them to fall in love with the first entity they set their eyes on after drinking it (regardless of species or sex). The effects of the substance will last for 21 weeks, unless dispelled by the casting of the General Knowledge Counter-spell of the College of Witchcraft by the creator of the Love Philtre, or by the successful use of the Curse Removal Ritual. In the latter case, the curse is treated as Minor with an MA of 34.

Arrow of Slaying Aberrations

This arrow is normal in every way except that the base Strike Chance is 70% and inflicts base A Class Damage of 3 roll-up D10. If the target of the arrow is an Aberration and they take any damage, then they are destroyed.

Invested Gem

This quartz crystal has been cut into the shape of a rose and weighs 4 oz. The following spells Invested in it:

Enchant Weapon
Rank 10
Cast Chance:50%
Illusionary Wall
Rank 10
Cast Chance: 50%

The wielder adds their MA & Enchantment bonus and bonuses from WP & Rank in Troubadour where appropriate to the Cast Chance.
When the crystal has been exhausted, it may be made into an Amulet of Rose Quartz that must be worn openly over the left side of their breast. Once, resetting at dawn on a Wednesday, the wearer may make an additional Cast Check, and choose which one to apply

Scroll of Protection versus the Diabolic

When this scroll is read (which requires a Cast Action) a 15' diameter circle of protection extends from, and moves with, the reader. It protects a11 within its circumference from all melee or touch attacks from any denizen of the Seventh Plane but not magic spells or other attack forms. If a creature leaves the protected area it is then subject to melee or touch attacks as well. The protection has a deterrence value of 150. Any diabolic that comes into contact with it may choose to reduce the deterrence value by 1 for every point of FT they expend. The circle of protection dissipates when the last point of deterrence value is completely exhausted.

Magebane Blade

This grimsteel broadsword weighs 3lbs. It has a base Strike Chance of 67% and inflicts 2 roll-up D10 B Class Damage. It does not accept magical enhancements. Damage is increased by 1 versus any entity that Casts spells or creatures that are enchanted or fantastical.
Spells, talents or rituals may not be Cast unless the magic is Racial while this weapon is carried.

Elemental Bronze Broadsword

This elemental bronze broadsword weighs 3lbs and has been made from the bones of a brown dragon. It has a base Strike Chance of 61% and inflicts 1 D10 + 6 B Class Damage.
This wielder may advance their Rank in Broadsword to 7 by spending 14 weeks in training and 2.200 Experience, to 8 by spending 16 weeks in training and 3,700 Experience. These extra Ranks do not stack with benefits from the Warrior Skill.

Grimsteel Chain Mail

This chain mail is a dark grey that is particularly matte. It is sized for a human, and weighs 24lbs. It penalises AG by 1, provides 9 Protection, 3 Endurance Armour and 3 Spell Armour. The wearer's MR is increased by 9, but spells, talents or rituals may not be Cast unless the magic is Racial.

The Robes of Kullkuhlet the Fallen

These robes are a rich, velvety shade of brown, brocaded in shades of deep russet and ochre. Large cabochons of amber and bloodstone are set in a semi-circle high on the breast accenting the collar. It provides 6 Protection, 7 Spell Armour and reduces damage by 1. Damage Reduction can be increased by sacrificing EN once per season or adventure, whichever is least. The cost for the first point is 1, doubling on each occasion. It adds 10 to Stealth in natural environments when the light level is below 40%.
The wearer may draw upon a Spell Penetration pool of 30 points. This may be used to reduce the Magic Resistance of the target(s) of the wearer's spell, but no more than 20 may be drawn per Cast. This pool will recover at 5 points per day on sunset.
One Magical Prepare Action can be stored in the robes by spending 10 minutes in meditation, allowing the wearer to immediately Cast a spell.
Those who wear the robe that are not evil find that it weighs 30 lbs. Others find it to weigh 7 lbs. Over time, this burden may corrupt the character of even the most saintly of Adepts.

Wand of Magic Detection

This wand is made from 19 inches of rowan wood tipped with 7 chips of moonstone and weighs 9 ounces. It can be used 3 times a day, resetting at dawn. It has a range of 20 feet, and can be used in the same manner as Detect Aura, except that the wielder can only ask if a target is either

a) cursed
b) is the current target of a spell or spell-like effect


Kilroy's Loot
Potion of Clairaudience

This phial of verdigrised brass has been decorated with reeds and weighs 4 oz. It is robust, and will resist the effects of an accident that might destroy it 85% of the time.
The potion creates an invisible, intangible ear that can be moved about within a range of 165 feet, appearing in the same hex as the imbiber, and operates as a normal ear might. It may be moved at a rate of 10 TMR when the imbiber takes a Pass Action. The ear may be detected by Witch-sight or similar and if it takes any magical damage (including from a magical weapon) it is destroyed and the imbiber is stunned.

Scroll of Protection versus Petrifaction

When this scroll is read (which requires a Cast Action) a 15' diameter circle of protection extends from, and moves with, the reader. Anyone inside the area of effect is absolutely immune to any attack forms, magical or otherwise, which turn flesh to turn. The protection lasts for 2 roll-up D10 Pulses.

Small Laen Shield

This small shield is made from dark blue laen, a magically hardened glass. It weighs 5 lbs and does not penalise MD. While it is wielded it reduces damage from melee or ranged physical attacks by 1, provides 6 points of Defence and 1 point of Magic Resistance per Rank so long as they would would pass through their front hexes.

Sister Francisca

Sister Francisca is a dainty and elegant one-handed axe, whose haft is made from beautifully turned pale maidenwood and the blade from viciously curved and true-silvered steel. However she has been made, she is treated as a hand-axe and a battleaxe. She weighs 2 lbs has a base Strike Chance of 67% and inflicts base B Class Damage of 2 rollup D10. Ranks in hand-axe and battleaxe are cumulative, but bonuses to damage from having greater than required PS are ignored.
Even though she is a one-handed weapon, she may still deliver a multi-hex Strike with the usual penalty of 20 to the Strike Chance. Only one hand is required, she claims, because the hand of the Lord is upon her wielder. Or better bloody be.
It would seem that she has been raised in a convent by nuns with a more than usually militant view of the life religious, and has been known to burst into joyous hymns in the heat of battle, particularly against the unholy. However annoying and off-putting, people of good character who are confronted with the forces of darkness may take heart from her singing, improving their chance to Resist attacks that cause fear by the cumulative Ranks of the wielder.
Sister Francisca will not abide the touch of one who is cowardly, harms children or who makes pacts with unseemly things that are best set on fire, and she will happily accept any weapon spell.


This heavy falchion has been made from a dark grey metals with dark red flecks in it. The grip has a bronze knuckle guard, the tang covered in lignam vitae wrapped with shark skin and bound with silver wire. It weighs 2 lbs until it is wielded, whereupon it's weight increases to 10 lbs. It has a base Strike Chance of 67%, inflicts 2 roll-up D10 B Class damage, but versus reptiles, it ignores the first 4 points of Protection.

Potion of Fire Armour

This silver phial has been carved with a hunting scene and weighs 6 oz. It is robust, and will resist the effects of an accident that might destroy it 75% of the time.
The potion protects the imbiber against 44 points of fire damage for 11 hours. This protection is ablative and dissipates when exceeded, any excess damage being applied.

Invested Red Jasper

This disc of red jasper is large enough to fit in the palm of a man's hand, and weighs 5 oz.

Diabolic Petrifaction
Range: 60 feet
Duration: Special
Base Chance: 31%
Resist: Active, Passive
Target: Entity of the Seventh Plane
Effects: This spell immediately starts to petrify the target. For the next 5 seconds, all the target’s percentage chances and D10 rolls are halved. At the end of this time, they must make their resistance check. If they succeed, they may resume normal activities, otherwise the petrifaction runs its course, leaving the target as marble-like stone. Any possessions of the target are petrified with them. Given their nature, a petrified target may be aware of their surroundings, nor might time be stopped for them. However, except in a few, special cases, petrifaction is not fatal, although a dead legal target may still be petrified.
Diabolic Petrifaction
Range: 60 feet
Duration: Special
Base Chance: 31%
Resist: Active, Passive
Target: Entity of the Seventh Plane
Effects: This spell immediately starts to petrify the target. For the next 5 seconds, all the target’s percentage chances and D10 rolls are halved. At the end of this time, they must make their resistance check. If they succeed, they may resume normal activities, otherwise the petrifaction runs its course, leaving the target as marble-like stone. Any possessions of the target are petrified with them. Given their nature, a petrified target may be aware of their surroundings, nor might time be stopped for them. However, except in a few, special cases, petrifaction is not fatal, although a dead legal target may still be petrified.
Summon Aim.
Base Chance: 63%
Effects: Summons the Duke of Fire from the Seventh Plane.
Mental Leap
Duration: 10 seconds
Range 1,000 feet
Base Chance: 35%
Effects: Opens a portal that connects a point that is touched during the triggering process and a visually targetable point up to 1,000 feet distant. Passing through the portal costs 5 FT and inflicts a Stun condition.

When the jasper has been exhausted, it may be made into an Amulet of Red Jasper that must be worn openly as part of a bracelet on the right wrist. Once, resetting at dawn on a Wednesday, the wearer may halve the Magic Resistance of a denizen of the Seventh Plane within 10 feet by taking a Pass Action. This effect will last for 5 seconds and the target will know exactly what the amulet has done.

Staff of Striking

This staff has been drawn whole from the heart of a great oak and weighs 3 lbs. It has a base Strike Chance of 67% and inflicts 2 roll-up D10 C Class damage. If a Charged Strike is spent upon a successful strike (requiring a Free Act), damage is increased by an additional roll-up D10. Up to three Charged Strikes may be spent in this way in a Pulse.

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

A charge may be added to the staff by casting the Smite Spell as a ritual.

a victim of a Charged Strike is immune to the Smite spell for the rest of that Pulse, and vice versa
Ring of Protection

This plain ring weighs about 2oz. Its magic will only be effective if it is worn on the ring finger of the right hand.
The bearer subtracts 5 from the die roll whenever they attempt to resist magic, making it more likely that they will succeed. It does not increase Magic Resistance.
In addition, it surrounds the bearer with 11 unseeable pentagonal planes of protection that float around the wearer on all sides. These will protect the wearer so that the first 7 physical damage points the wearer takes per Pulse are ignored. This does not work vs magical damage except for spells like Diamond Javelins, Ice Bolt or Ice Projectiles. Nor does it protect against blows directly to EN or Specific Grievous Injuries.
If the wearer has some similar means of protection, then the greatest effect will apply.

Grimsteel Chain Mail

This chain mail is a dark grey that is particularly matte. It is sized for a human, and weighs 24lbs. It penalises AG by 1, provides 9 Protection, 3 Endurance Armour and 3 Spell Armour. The wearer's MR is increased by 9, but spells, talents or rituals may not be Cast unless the magic is Racial.


Eric's Loot
Potion of Clairaudience

This phial of verdigrised brass has been decorated with reeds and weighs 4 oz. It is robust, and will resist the effects of an accident that might destroy it 85% of the time.
The potion creates an invisible, intangible ear that can be moved about within a range of 165 feet, appearing in the same hex as the imbiber, and operates as a normal ear might. It may be moved at a rate of 10 TMR when the imbiber takes a Pass Action. The ear may be detected by Witch-sight or similar and if it takes any magical damage (including from a magical weapon) it is destroyed and the imbiber is stunned.

Potion of Frost Giant Strength

This pottery ale jug of 14 oz has been plugged with wax. It is robust, and will resist the effects of an accident that might destroy it 65% of the time.
The imbiber's PS becomes 44 for the next hour.

Invested Obsidian Crescent

This crescent of obsidian is as large as a dwarf's eye and weighs 2 oz. It contains these spells:

Rank 10
Spectral Hand
Rank 10
Rank 10
Rune of Healing
Rank 10
Water Breathing
Rank 10
Creating Restorative
Rank 10
Bolt of Fire
Rank 10
Rank 10

When the obsidian crescent has been exhausted, the Individual True Name of the Torrent of Obsidian Butterflies will be revealed. When the Generic True Name of "bat" is raised to 10, then this Name may be advanced. When used with a Spell of Name Change, the Adept transforms into a cloud of sharp-winged bats. They have no other stats other than EN and FT which is combined into a single "Hit Point" total and base Defence is calculated as the Rank of the Name. Mental Characteristics are unaffected. As a torrent, the Adept ignores the first 10 points of Specific Grievous injury per Pulse (but weapon and magical damage are applied normally) and any weapon attack which only inflicts FT damage is ignored. The torrent may fly at a TMR of 10, and if they climb to 13 metres or higher, they may attract an Obsidian Breeze which will let them increase their movement rate to 30 mph (+1 / Rank in the Name). The cloud is 1 hex in diameter (increasing to a mega-hex at Rank 20 in the Name) and the length is half the Rank of the Name in hexes, rounding down.
Any entity that the cloud passes through must Resist versus Special Knowledge magic of the College of Naming Incantations or suffer 1 roll-up D10 + (Rank in the Name/2) damage and roll under 1 x WP to avoid attracting a Fright Check, success indicating that entity is immune to the effect for the rest of that day.

Scroll of Protection versus Spells

When this scroll is read (which requires a Cast Action) a 15' diameter circle of protection extends from, and moves with, the reader for 2 D10 Pulses. Spells that try to enter the circle are reduced by 120 ablative Ranks, those reduced below zero entirely dissipating without effect. Spell effects that remain are applied normally. When the ablative Rank pool is exhausted, or the duration expires, the effect ends.

Grimsteel Chain Mail

This chain mail is a dark grey that is particularly matte. It is sized for a human, and weighs 30lbs. It penalises AG by 1, provides 7 Protection, 2 Endurance Armour and 2 Spell Armour. The wearer's MR is increased by 7, but spells, talents or rituals may not be Cast unless the magic is Racial.

Knight's Shield

This heater is made from lignam vitae and bossed with a bronze sunburst 4 inches across. It weighs 10 lbs, provides 5 points of Defence per Rank, penalises MD by 2, and reduces cold damage by 1.


This wand is named and is made from 18 inches of gilded willow tipped with a roughly cut sunstone about an inch across. It can be used to:

trigger a Light spell of the College of Rune Magic equal to their Rank with the Individual True Name
Cast Chance:50%+3 per Rank in the Name
Charges: 1
trigger a Flash of Light spell in a cone 20 feet (+ 5 / Rank in the Name) long, and 5 (+ 5 / 3 Ranks in the Name) wide. Any entity not immune to being dazzled or blinded etc must Resist versus Special Knowledge Solar Magic or be affected as if by a Flash of Light equal to the Rank of the Name.
Cast Chance: 20%+3 per Rank in the Name
Charges: 2
3)trigger a burst of Illuminating Hope up to 12 hexes distant in a volume of a globe 40 foot across. Any entity not immune to being dazzled or blinded etc must Resist versus Backfire or be affected as if by a Flash of Light equal to the Rank of the Name. Undead are not likely to be affected by this, however, should they fail their Magic Resistance check, then they take 4 roll-up D10 damage, half if they succeed. Living entities that have been demoralised or feared are relieved of it (although they may still be dazzled)
Cast Chance: 2%+3 per Rank in the Name
Charges: 3
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

A charge may be added to the wand by bathing it in a Tincture of Sunflower and Amber which can only be made on the 11th, 19th and 27th day of a month, and requires the complete attention of an Alchemist (i.e. no training or other work may be engaged in on a day devoted to charging the wand), and which costs 692sp. Also, an Alchemist must spend 10tsg buying a gold crucible in which the ground amber and sunflower essence will be mixed and heated, but this is not used up in the process.

Burning Blade

This bronze broadsword is slender, is double-edged and holds a large fire opal worth 20tsg at the centre of the hilt.It has been weapon-smithed so that it has the properties of a broadsword and a short-sword, weighs 2 lbs and requires 12 PS to wield. It has a base Strike Chance of 67% and inflicts base A or B Class Damage of 2 roll-up D10 + 4. Ranks in short-sword and broadsword are cumulative, but bonuses to damage from having greater than required PS are ignored.
The weapon may benefit from having a Weapon of Flames or Rune Weapon spell cast upon it, in which case it will burst into flames. In addition, if the target regenerates, uses ice or cold magic, is flammable, an avian or (not insubstantial) undead, then they must Break 100 => EN or catch on fire. An entity that is on fire suffers 1 roll-up D10 damage per Pulse until the flames are put out. This usually takes a Pass Action but the DM may rule that some creatures (for example, avian, mummies, scarecrows or the like) may need to spend 3 Pass Actions.

Mace of Disruption

The haft of this mace is made from crosswood, and the head is a bronze censer. It weighs 4lbs, has a base Strike Chance of 57% and inflicts 2 roll-up D10 C Class damage. If the target is unholy, then the worst of the target's Protection or Spell Armour may be applied against this damage although Damage Reduction is unaffected. If the censer contains burning blessed incense (preparing the censer takes about five minutes, lighting the prepared censer requires a Pass Action), then any hit that inflicts damage entitles the wielder to a special Turn attack which will succeed if they roll under 2 x their WP + 48 + Enchantment less 2 x target's WP. Success means that percentiles are rolled and 12 added. This is applied as a Fright Check even if they would not normally be affected by it (for example, a skeleton may suffer a potentially lethal heart attack). If the Turn fails, the incense is extinguished and a subsequent Turn may not be attempted until the wielder has Purified after dawn.

Ring of Protection

This plain ring weighs about 2oz. Its magic will only be effective if it is worn on the ring finger of the right hand.
The bearer subtracts 5 from the die roll whenever they attempt to resist magic, making it more likely that they will succeed. It does not increase Magic Resistance.
In addition, it surrounds the bearer with 11 unseeable pentagonal planes of protection that float around the wearer on all sides. These will protect the wearer so that the first 7 physical damage points the wearer takes per Pulse are ignored. This does not work vs magical damage except for spells like Diamond Javelins, Ice Bolt or Ice Projectiles. Nor does it protect against blows directly to EN or Specific Grievous Injuries.
If the wearer has some similar means of protection, then the greatest effect will apply.

We offer to take some of David's loot out for him and he accepts our word and so laden we exit door 6. We moved up the path passing many things and doors. When at door #2 we espy a seal designed to keep out/in Undead (esp Mummies) and works both ways.

We resume moving upwards and we sense the presence of Iron nearby we hope to avoid the ambush. We are out of Luck, the Lord of Iron and a number of minions are there and we threaten to drop the Black Annis's into the roiling bottom of the pit but we instead manage to strike a deal whereby he gets the Annis's and we get let off our 'indiscretions' against him (since they were minor mistakes of bad information etc and we're sure the guilty will be punished appropriately) and given parole to depart.

We transit away to David's place where we drop off the items he'd given us to carry on his behalf.

10th of Harvest 819wk

We are at David's place on New Terra. We are suffering radiation poisoning (well some of us) and the effects are showing. The effects are as follows

Kern has crystal eyes and a Crystal Heart (a great ruby)
Seren has a Heart of Darkness
Nereus's eye is a Geode

Blessings on Unborn children are done on the expectant parents
I (Kern), apply my considerable midwifery skills to help birth the children which are to both be kept by Nereus as Aryan doesn't want the child. One is a male named xxx who is Spring/Fire aspected and the other is a female named Arien who is Solar aspected. The children are left at house Kerberoth in the care of lady Siroth? until the parent(s) can return for them or Nereus takes both to be riased in a mutally caring, loving and piratical lifestyle of free-wheeling adventure and stern moral compasses. Apparently Hag children only have a predilection for evil and are not naturally evil, so its nurture and love to triumph over evil! Nereus feels he will be a great role model and since Aryan doesn't want to bring anymore kids home to his wife, Nereus looks good as a father figure (what could go wrong with neglected thunder child having long term dayy issues?)
Kern discovers through trial and error that his Diamond weapon spell has been improved to be 1+1% SC per rank and damage is now 1 + 1/3 ranks along with a penetration factor of the same values.

At House Kereroth a caravan from the Empire of the East is in, which means that the Maleborians are here too! We purchase a Curse Hermetics potions for 13k. We also buy Tinctures of Aconite and Passionflower.

We depart for Jiroth too see Theophastes (previously from Perfidious Albion) to warm him of the coming certainty and offer him a refuge and he decides to come with us to Alusia.

We need to get to The Keep of Faces aka The Red Keep. Much cogitation is undertaken.

Lord Twrf imparts news to us. Barriers between the lands have weakened and the planes arranged into alternate locations for some nefarious purpose. He suspects the use of Chess Pieces of exercising some strategy to ensure survival for those lucky enough to harness their power.

Day 11th & 12th of Harvest

We travel for only 2 days across The Lands of Chaos to get to see The Lord of Wands. On route we get lost and find our way again through/past various locales including;

  1. A gnome settlement of crystal gnomes and such like, this is a crystal place of power and where they practice crystal magic. We speak with Mayor of the town named Syfed who introduces us to the Lord of Wands.

13th of Harvest

We arrive at The Lord of Wands lodging. There we share information including that the scrote Blackrod is hunting him and especially his title among other things. We also illuminate him about the U-235 issue and he make plans to depart immediately until we ask him about his Deck and drawing from it for those who haven't done so (Seren, Eric and Kern) which he agrees to. We also discuss that the huge number of immortals awaiting their turn at the U235 vault represent a huge draw-card for Blackrod to achieve his aim of Title Stealing so he and the others should be very aware of entities there and thereabouts - perhaps a kill on sight policy is in order as we don't know who could be disguised as whom!

The Lord of Wands seems to be wanting to recreate or cause to reappear, The Lord of Trumps and he has been using his innumerable houses to hopefully cause the LoT to come about. It also seems that having the brought about the return of the LoT that the LoW would then use him to farm various abilities to provide even more power to the LoW and his coterie. I wasn't quite sure what these abilities and benefits would be but I'm sure it would be powerful and advantageous to Immortals

The LoW has a small forest outside his home which is in reality a Data Forest which he uses to plot our information to understand the plans of his enemies. It appears that the Lord of Iron is planning to replace the Earl of Justice by invading using his forces and he thinks that Foras has The Calculus of Change.

Deck Events

Avoid Fate

This trump may be played by the character's player to avoid any situation they choose, once. It may be played just before, during or directly after the event. In addition, no more than 5 minutes of real time must have passed (not time inside the game world) before it is played.
In general, no more than a Pulse of game time should have passed, but this is at the discretion of the DM, who should be aware that this is already a powerful effect and allowing it to be used beyond the scope of a few seconds increases its usefulness even further.
This will not simply restore an entity to life, should they have died, the magic of the trump will seek to change the situation so that they will not automatically die yet again. On the other hand, it is a second chance, not automatic success. The ability calls upon many of the DM's reserves, who should take a very dim view of its use, with the only positive thing to be said about it is that it is gone, now.
As a general guideline, the DM is advised to make the smallest and fewest changes to the situation as possible which would damage the suspension of disbelief.

Treasure Map

This trump may be played to create a map to the nearest treasure, once. Note that this is a map to the nearest treasure, not the richest treasure, and the distance, in any case, can be no further than 300 metres.
Once played, the map draws a map outlining the physical shape of the place. It does not indicate in any way the inhabitants or obstacles, all doorways will be described as closed unless it is an open archway. Traps are similarly not identified, although open pit traps will be.

Ally Trump
This trump may be played to create a loyal knight who is a Rank 4 Warrior, with the appropriate skills for such a person.
PS: 20 MD: 19 AG: 15 MA: 10 EN: 24 FT: 23
WP: 20 PC: 18 PB: 12 TMR: 6 NA: 5
Attack IV SC DM Class Use Rk
Bastard Sword 38 111% +8 B class M 5
Large Round Shield 37 68% +2 C class M 4

His Defence is 43 and his Magic Resistance is 40%.
He will fight loyally, always succeeding when forced to make a morale check.
Otherwise it may be played upon an ally, which will offer it some advancement, and this will have to be negotiated with the DM.

Dilemma Trump

This trump may be played to answer any question they choose, once. The querent is advised to consider their question beforehand, since questions like "Can I ask whether or not opening this box will kill me?" will be answered in the affirmative.
Only one question may be answered, however, the querent may use it to gather such information as any single, standard, information-gathering ability will return, and this will be executed as a Pass Action. Abilities such as Divination, Sending, Waters of Vision (duration of 20 minutes), Location, etc. Telepathy is not allowed, however.

Comet Trump

You may play the trump at any time. If you defeat your next enemy, you may

Initiate for a title, which must be unique and requires access to an Astral gate


Spend a year and a day Ranking while but a single true day passes. Cannot be used for recovering from wounds etc.
Weapon of Crystal

Range: 5 feet + 5 / Rank
Duration: 5 minutes + 1 / Rank
Experience Multiple: 250
Base Chance: 30%
Resist: None
Storage: Investment
Target: Object
Effects: Increases the Base Chance to hit with a weapon over which it is cast by 1 (+ 1 / Rank) and increases the damage done by a B or C Class weapon by 1 for every 3 Ranks. The edge or point of an A or B Class weapon is sharpened so that the Protection value of an opponent's armour is reduced by 1 for every 3 Ranks.

Conjuring Earth Elemental - Summon Crystal Hart

Range: 20 feet
Duration 1 hour (+1 hour / Rank)
Target: Earth Elemental
Effects: This incantation of Conjuring Earth Elemental summons a crystal hart to within 20 feet of the Adept and need not be controlled. The hart will act as a steed for the Adept and will obey all their commands while it is mounted. If the rider is not mounted or is out of its presence then it will only follow simple passive commands (e.g. wait here, go there). At Rank 14 or higher it will obey commands which move it away from the rider (e.g. go attack people behind the hill, go and pick up Bob).
Its charactertics and statistics are based on either the Adept or their rank in the spell.

PS: 30 (+ 2 / Rank) MD: Adept's AG: Adept's MA: Adept's EN: 30 (+ Rank) FT: 30 (+2 / Rank)
WP: Adept's PC: Adept's PB: 14 TMR: 15 NA: WP / 4 (+1 / 3 or fraction Ranks

DEF = WP + Ritual BC / 2
Size = 1 hex (+ 1 / 10 Ranks)

Weapons: The hart has four physical attacks, two hooves, antlers and a bite.

Kick: SC 50% (+2 / Rank), IV PC + AG (+1 / 2 Ranks), [D10 + 3 (+1 / 3 Ranks], C Class, Melee & Close.
A kick may be delivered into the hart's rear hex without penalty. If the kick is to be delivered to the front hex, the hart must rear (requiring a successful Horsemanship Rank 7 check).
Bite: SC 35% (+2 / Rank), IV PC + AG (+1 / 2 Ranks), [D10 (+1 / 4 Ranks], Melee & Close, does not inflict Specific Grievous Injuries.
A bite may not be attempted in a Charge or if rearing.
Antlers: SC 45% (+2 / Rank), IV PC + AG (+1 / 2 Ranks), [D10 + 5 (+1 / 2 Ranks], A, B or C Class, Melee.
Antlers may only be used in a Charge or if the hart is rearing. Strike Chance is improved by +20 in a Charge.
When Size is 2 hexes or greater, a Trample may be attempted against creatures that are 1 hex or smaller.
Trample: SC 40%, IV PC + AG, [D10 + 3], C Class, C
Trample is resolved as a single attack upon each creature who shares the same hex as the hart, whether it is passing through or has engaged an opponent. The Trample does not require an Action of any kind, but the hart may take no other Action after it. Any creature successfully struck by the Trample must make a 1 x AG check to avoid falling and becoming prone.

The hart takes no more than 1 point of damage from A Class damage, and half damage from B Class damage. This damage resistance is applied before Protection or Damage Reduction.
It cannot be banished while the Adept rides it.
It may move at ⅓rd it's TMR or movement rate while Blended. The Blending effect will also cover the rider. Note, however, that the hart has no special Stealth properties, and in general is quite eye-catching.

At Rank 20:

  • the Adept may nominate another entity as the rider.
  • the hart has Strength and Fatigue of 80 and Endurance of 60.
  • NA is 8 (+ WP / 4).
  • damage from horns and hooves is [D + 17].
  • the duration is 24 hours.

It may be invested with a material cost of 50,000 silver pieces per charge
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2
This incantation is not teachable

Wall of Stone - Wall of Crystal

Effects: This spell conjures a wall of crystal that is 10’ high, 20’ long and 2’ thick, or a pillar 15’ high with a 3’ diameter. The adept may choose to increase the height of the wall by 1’, the width by 2’ or the thickness by 3", or the height or diameter of the pillar by 1’, for each Rank the Adept possesses in the spell. The wall may be uniformly curved up to a half circle. The wall may not be created on top of an entity, and is subject to the usual restrictions on physical walls. The wall is translucent but not transparent but the Adept can choose to make it transparent from Rank 10 and higher. If the spell is Rank 20, then the Adept can choose to make it transparent in one direction. When the spell's duration expires, the crystal dissipates.
Cost: 1,500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1, consumes 1 gemstone of random value

Gem Creation - Reflection of a Ruby Pommel Stone

Duration: Special
Effects: This incantation of the Gem Creation spell creates a Ruby Pommel Stone that lasts for 1 day (+1 day / Rank) or 1 Strike (+1 Strike / 4 Ranks), whichever comes first. The stone will magically be set into the pommel of the sword the Adept is touching unless it already holds a pommel stone. It will not be effective for any other kind of weapon. Daggers and Mains Gauche do not count, either.
The wielder of the weapon is entitled to an extra Strike with the sword at half their Engaged Initiative value while the pommel stone lasts, which will dissipate once the spell ends.
Cost: 4,500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1, consumes 1 ruby with a value of at least 1 tsg
This incantation is not teachable.

Gem Creation - Facets of Protection

Duration: 30 minutes (+30 minutes / Rank)
Target:Birthstone Amulet
Effects:This incantation of the Gem Creation spell enchants the Adept's birthstone. An Astrologer must be consulted to determine which this is, and they must charge 5 tsg or a magical service of at least that value. Once the stone has been identified, an amulet with a value of 5 tsg must be made, which will require the services of a witch, wiccan or talismonger. The amulet must be worn high on the bearer's chest, near their primary shoulder (right shoulder, if ambidextrous) and be visible for the magic to be effective. When triggered, the faint outline of 11 pentagons the colour of the birthstone will appear around the bearer on all sides. This will deflect an amount of damage equal to the Rank of the spell, minimum 1, resetting at the beginning of each Pulse. This has no effect on magic etc, although it can be applied to damage from spells like Diamond Javelins, Earth Hammer, Ice Bolt or Ice Projectiles, although damage from light based attacks (e.g. Bolt of Energy, Starfire, Solar Flare or similar) are an exception and in that case the damage is halved. The spell does not protect against hits directly to EN or Specific Grievous Injuries.
Cost: 2,500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1, requires Birthstone Amulet (which is not consumed).
This incantation is not teachable.

Aventurine Mistletoe

This silver brooch is set with green aventurines and shaped like a sprig of mistletoe. It weighs 10 oz and must be worn visibly over the heart for its magic to be effective. It is a spell rack but will only hold incantations which are crystalline in nature.
It provides the same benefit as any other sprig of mistletoe.
It has been touched by the light of a Silmaril and will:

reflect green light visible only to an elf when a Balrog is within 1 kilometer of the bearer.
reduce the Rank of a Darkness spell by 1 over the period of a Pulse at a cost of 2 FT. Subsequent reductions takes twice as long, although the FT cost remains the same.
improve the bearer's Defence, Magic Resistance and Strike Chance against a Balrog by 10.
prevent their soul from being destroyed when slain by a Balrog.
Avoid Fate

This trump may be played by the character's player to avoid any situation they choose, once. It may be played just before, during or directly after the event. In addition, no more than 5 minutes of real time must have passed (not time inside the game world) before it is played.
In general, no more than a Pulse of game time should have passed, but this is at the discretion of the DM, who should be aware that this is already a powerful effect and allowing it to be used beyond the scope of a few seconds increases its usefulness even further.
This will not simply restore an entity to life, should they have died, the magic of the trump will seek to change the situation so that they will not automatically die yet again. On the other hand, it is a second chance, not automatic success. The ability calls upon many of the DM's reserves, who should take a very dim view of its use, with the only positive thing to be said about it is that it is gone, now.
As a general guideline, the DM is advised to make the smallest and fewest changes to the situation as possible which would damage the suspension of disbelief.

Treasure Map

This trump may be played to create a map to the nearest treasure, once. Note that this is a map to the nearest treasure, not the richest treasure, and the distance, in any case, can be no further than 300 metres.
Once played, the map draws a map outlining the physical shape of the place. It does not indicate in any way the inhabitants or obstacles, all doorways will be described as closed unless it is an open archway. Traps are similarly not identified, although open pit traps will be.

Ally Trump
This trump may be played to create a loyal knight who is a Rank 4 Warrior, with the appropriate skills for such a person.
PS: 20 MD: 19 AG: 15 MA: 10 EN: 24 FT: 23
WP: 20 PC: 18 PB: 12 TMR: 6 NA: 5
Attack IV SC DM Class Use Rk
Bastard Sword 38 111% +8 B class M 5
Large Round Shield 37 68% +2 C class M 4

His Defence is 43 and his Magic Resistance is 40%.
He will fight loyally, always succeeding when forced to make a morale check.
Otherwise it may be played upon an ally, which will offer it some advancement, and this will have to be negotiated with the DM.

Dilemma Trump

This trump may be played to answer any question they choose, once. The querent is advised to consider their question beforehand, since questions like "Can I ask whether or not opening this box will kill me?" will be answered in the affirmative.
Only one question may be answered, however, the querent may use it to gather such information as any single, standard, information-gathering ability will return, and this will be executed as a Pass Action. Abilities such as Divination, Sending, Waters of Vision (duration of 20 minutes), Location, etc. Telepathy is not allowed, however.

Comet Trump

You may play the trump at any time. If you defeat your next enemy, you may

Initiate for a title, which must be unique and requires access to an Astral gate


Spend a year and a day Ranking while but a single true day passes. Cannot be used for recovering from wounds etc.

This hammer will size itself to the user. It has a base Strike Chance of 60% and does base C Class damage equal to [D10 +wielder's height in feet]. It is advanced as a warhammer, but once maximum Rank has been achieved, the weilder may sacrifice 2500 ep to increase it by one. The limit is the wielder's base WP value.
The following abilities may be used as it is Ranked:

Rank 8: The weilder may add his PS to the SC of the weapon
Rank 12: When striking, the weapon imparts a shock effect equal to [D10 + rank]
Rank 16: The weapon may strike phased and insubstantial targets and can stun those that are not normally stunned, at the DM's discretion.
Rank 20: The weapon may be thrown as a lightning bolt, inflicting magical damage to all in its path.
Rank 24: The weilder may travel with the hammer when thrown. This allows flight at 60mph.
Rank 24: The wielder may travel along the length of a lightning bolt whether they Cast it or not, to any point along its path. This is executed as a Free Act and may only be attempted on the wielder's Initiative or after it.

The weapon may not be enchanted further.
In the hands of a worshipper of the Norse, the wielder subtracts 5 from the result of a percentile die roll (yes Eric now follows Thor).
Every year the hammer is owned the weilder will grow 1 foot. This adds 1 to PS and End and reduces AG by 1 per 3 feet grown (this can be bought back). For every 2 feet grown the weilder reduces PB by 1.
After six years, Eric has stopped growing as a result of a wish, and in fact will return to his original height over the space of a season. All bonuses and penalties that he has attracted up to this point still apply, however.

Name Singer
1)Eric gives himself a second percentile check (choosing the better) to Resist the effects of a horror (or entity associated with universes prior to this one) which attack his sanity or soul when he sings his Individual True Name aloud. This applies to magic as well as other special abilities (e.g. maddening appearance, devouring, etc.) and is a Free Act.
2) Eric increases the duration of a spell Cast upon himself by his Rank in his Individual True Name when he sings it aloud.

He may use the Name Singer ability 1 time (+1 per 5 Ranks) a day, resetting when he next Purifies after dawn.
Horrors (and entities associated with universes prior to this one) have no direct ability to use Individual True Names.

Avoid Fate

This trump may be played by the character's player to avoid any situation they choose, once. It may be played just before, during or directly after the event. In addition, no more than 5 minutes of real time must have passed (not time inside the game world) before it is played.
In general, no more than a Pulse of game time should have passed, but this is at the discretion of the DM, who should be aware that this is already a powerful effect and allowing it to be used beyond the scope of a few seconds increases its usefulness even further.
This will not simply restore an entity to life, should they have died, the magic of the trump will seek to change the situation so that they will not automatically die yet again. On the other hand, it is a second chance, not automatic success. The ability calls upon many of the DM's reserves, who should take a very dim view of its use, with the only positive thing to be said about it is that it is gone, now.
As a general guideline, the DM is advised to make the smallest and fewest changes to the situation as possible which would damage the suspension of disbelief.

Treasure Map

This trump may be played to create a map to the nearest treasure, once. Note that this is a map to the nearest treasure, not the richest treasure, and the distance, in any case, can be no further than 300 metres.
Once played, the map draws a map outlining the physical shape of the place. It does not indicate in any way the inhabitants or obstacles, all doorways will be described as closed unless it is an open archway. Traps are similarly not identified, although open pit traps will be.

Ally Trump
This trump may be played to create a loyal knight who is a Rank 4 Warrior, with the appropriate skills for such a person.
PS: 20 MD: 19 AG: 15 MA: 10 EN: 24 FT: 23
WP: 20 PC: 18 PB: 12 TMR: 6 NA: 5
Attack IV SC DM Class Use Rk
Bastard Sword 38 111% +8 B class M 5
Large Round Shield 37 68% +2 C class M 4

His Defence is 43 and his Magic Resistance is 40%.
He will fight loyally, always succeeding when forced to make a morale check.
Otherwise it may be played upon an ally, which will offer it some advancement, and this will have to be negotiated with the DM.

Dilemma Trump

This trump may be played to answer any question they choose, once. The querent is advised to consider their question beforehand, since questions like "Can I ask whether or not opening this box will kill me?" will be answered in the affirmative.
Only one question may be answered, however, the querent may use it to gather such information as any single, standard, information-gathering ability will return, and this will be executed as a Pass Action. Abilities such as Divination, Sending, Waters of Vision (duration of 20 minutes), Location, etc. Telepathy is not allowed, however.

Comet Trump

You may play the trump at any time. If you defeat your next enemy, you may

Initiate for a title, which must be unique and requires access to an Astral gate


Spend a year and a day Ranking while but a single true day passes. Cannot be used for recovering from wounds etc.
Elixir of Protection

This bronze chased crystal phial weighs 4 oz and is very robust. Whoever drinks from it subtracts 10 from the die roll when Resisting magic that arises out of a written form, whether it be from invested scrolls, Scriptomancy, Runes, Glyphs, Symbols or the like. This does not increase their Magic Resistance, however, if the modified result on percentiles falls to "01" or less, then the magic entirely dissipates without taking any effect on them and the hex(es) they occupy whatsoever, even if no Resistance check is normally allowed.

Traceless in the Stars

Serendipity may not be predicted by means of Astrology, spell, talent or ritual. When such an attempt is made, the result is always treated as if the practitioner failed.

The Void of Chardros - The Darkness Within

Duration: 30 minutes (+30 minutes / Rank)
Effects:This incantation of the Void of Chardros spell allows the Adept to target the interior of their heart, encompassing the spell's effects within, entirely. While duration remains, the Adept may "band" damage to their heart. This does not effect damage which is inflicted as a consequence of a blow directly to EN or a Specific Grievous Injury. Otherwise, however, the Adept may choose to divert up to 20 damage points (+3 for every even numbered Rank) away from from their body and into the heart before it ruptures, ending the magic. Rupturing of the Darkness Within is visually dramatic as darkness fountains out of the Adept's eyes, ears, nose, mouth and chest but otherwise does no particular harm.
Cost: 4,500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1
This incantation is not teachable.

Dark Portals requires the Souldark Staff

Range: Touch
Duration: Special
Experience Multiple: 550
Base Chance: 10%
Resist: None
Storage: None
Target: Wall of Darkness
Effects: This spell is focused and may only be cast while the Adept holds the Souldark Staff. Dark Portals cannot be Ranked higher than the Adept's Wall of Darkness spell.
This spell is cast upon a Wall of Darkness, making it into one of a pair of portals known as a Souldark Gate. Souldark Gates are about 1 metre wide, 2 metres high, but are elastic enough that large creatures can force their way through. They do not cause fear or damage and can be made permanent by spending 1,000 Experience.
If the Adept casts Dark Portals upon another Wall of Darkness of equal or greater Rank to this spell, then they and up to Rank other entities may travel through it to another Souldark Gate within 1 mile (+1 mile per Rank) over the course of a single Pulse.
Only one entity can pass through the portal per Pulse and this will reduce the traveler's FT to zero. The Adept reduces their own FT loss by 1 for every Rank in the spell. This FT loss is due to exhaustion and cannot be healed back.

Voidstar Bracer

This bracer frame is made entirely from a matte black metal which only reflects the light of the Two Trees. It must be worn on the left forearm for its magic to be effective.
It is a legal target for the Darkness spell, in which case hundreds of fingernail sized scales of darkness will grow over the frame, subtracting 1 from the result of the wearer's Magic Resistance check (+1 for every 5 Ranks), and increasing Defence by 1 (+1 for every 5 Ranks). When Darkened the bracer manifests three black pentagrams or "voidstars", visible only to a practitioner of the College of Dark Magic. The bracer allows the wearer to

cast the General or Special Knowledge Counterspells of the College of Celestial Magic without Preparing them so long as their Rank is greater than or equal to 6.
"throw" a voidstar, allowing the wearer to Cast the Starfire spell without Preparing it. However, instead of creating a missile of bright light, a star of some eye-bending colour approaching blackness is formed. The Rank of the spell is improved by the wearer's Rank in Dart.

The wearer may restore a spent voidstar by Purifying at dusk. If the Cast check is a number that ends in 6 or less, one voidstar is restored. This can double or triple, if the least significant digit is also less than or equal to six.
Once per adventure, the wearer may add an extra voidstar to the bracer by sacrificing a point of EN. This may be bought back in the usual way. The maximum number of voidstars that the bracer can hold is six.

14th Harvest 819wk

Once the Lord of Wands has departed we go look about the Crystal Gnome Village. I was keenly aware that the village etc would be wiped out (or some other such nasty fate) in the coming certainty and sought a way to convince some to depart with me but I was unsuccessful. We did enable some of the local mothers to determine which of the Geode's contained viable progeny for them and we discovered some dark crystals as well. We found 3 'dark eggs' which we now known to be 'Void Seeds' that were made from Diorite and were super magical and linked to Ungoliant. We bought 100k sp of high quality gems and left the three eggs for Oberon to deal with along with a note explaining what we knew at the time.

We departed as there were people party members sought to save from their fate, namely Anathel and Brightleaf.

We travelled to Karthri and were careful to avoid the Ziggurat in which shade The Lord of Hands sometimes lurks. We look for a Phoenix in the nearby trees and Aryan comes across a treasure trove of rare herbs and spices, such as Blue Lotus, Black Myrrh and much more. Once loaded up and herbs stashed in many orifices we proceed to locate Anathel. We find her, explain the issues and she agrees to come if she can bring the oven she treasures so much. We cogitate and arrange to enable the oven transfer and she will meet us at House Kerberoth.

We then travel to Perfidious Albion to see Brightleaf. We first stop at Eboracum to visit Goblin & Goblin and Shreik & Son which are places of unusual treasures and delight. There we find 15 geodes which we buy for 5TSG each and we find that 5 are viable Crystal Goblins (which means we have a hope for saving the race of Crystal Gnomes), 9 are non-viable but magically enhanced to enable imprinting and 1 is a Void Seed which we treat very carefully.

We also buy

  1. Dissolving gas - An exploding canister of 2 gases which when mixed and deployed covers an area of 45ft diameter (90ft across) and dissolves organic fibers within the area (we posit this a great way to kill The Lord of Hands. Value:15TSG
  2. 8 x Flesh Pots at 5,000sp each
  3. 10 x Potion of Ophan Blood at 8,000sp each

We depart the city and seek out Brightleaf and tell him the situation and he also agrees to come to Alusia.

We depart Perfidious ALbion to Jiroth on Tanuel. There we seek to get rid of the Void Seed and bury it out of the way. The Seed cracks, creating a tiny Twilight Labyrinth along with dark webs that extend towards the Twilight Labyrinth to the NE where Ungoliant is doing unspeakable evil. We don't want the web to spread and so Aryan uses some Fires of Time to destroy the seed and web but causing the ground to be sterile for the next lifetime. We choose to depart and move onto our next plane. We're still considering the options so we cogitate a bit more

We travel to the City of Brass and then the Silken Bazaar. We do trading there and buy a ritual pillow or two. Also get Aziz's to work on weapons.

We have identified heart and eye issues of seren and kern. Serens heart is 10pts of darkness - spendable. Kerns heart is 10 crystal points. Kerns eyes provide a bonus PC when hunting for things moving across his field of vision. Kerns Aventurine mistletoe is a spell rack and has bought 4 matrices (167,334,668, 1336 for a total of 2,505exp)

15th Harvest 819wk

Rumours from the City of Brass. Dandelion is regenerating in his house on the hill for the past 3 months in his fast regeneration chamber.
Kern gets ingredient for an amulet and starts getting it made but the passage of days disrupts things so simply takes the ingredients for another location.
The City of Brass has a dome covered souk and a House of Fire that has an associated library. There we source some powerwords, namely Shatterwill for Kern and Close for Kilroy and we also get 2 Potions of Ophans Blood.

We decide to depart the city via the House of Fire's portal and we are transported to Tehran, in the country of Iran on Nualis. From there we travel 5 days southwards to Djibouti. We arrive there around the 14th of Harvest, but on the way we are assailed by a horde of undead pirates upon a high wind over the Red Sea. We were momentarily discombobulated by these but we quickly reorganised and blew them away with our superior magic. They had a GTN of Ghost Wind and were a bound sending, no doubt in the service of The Lord of Dark Continent who's realm we just entered.

In the city we release the 'social mechanics or engineers' in the party, while the other 3 of us spend time drinking and watching the world go by. Our 'social engineers' came back and told us;

  1. 7 years ago there was a lot of Golem activity, akin to the Golem of Prague going amok!
  2. A caravan has come into town from the west and its heavily guarded. We expect its full of Hydrargyrum‎ which is a lot of it and very valuable.
  3. The market is busy with alchemical trade in lots of magical product. Lots of spiknard (musk root) and substance without form.
  4. The emperor of Axum is a 12 yr old boy who has a council of regents looking after him and the council is run by a woman named Judith
  5. Market rumours of 'the Black One' who is a greater summoner from the desert across the sea. He seeks a guide to take him west
  6. the docks are heavy with 2 dozen blond norsemen who we determine are controlled by someone, who sail a dragon ship anchored in the harbour and who are looking for work on other ships.
  7. There is a House of Fire here.

Being the suspicious types we attempt to locate Blackrod and we find him 70m out to sea and some 30ft underwater, apparently waiting for something. We plan to hurt him yet once again!

17th of Harvest 819wk

After a nights rest and no suspicious activity at all (apart from shopping for fishing tackle, picnic supplies and heavy umbrella's), or any planning we decide to spend the day fishing we hire a likely looking fishing scow that appears to be a northern pinance that decided to winter over down here in the near equator. During the night however we learned that Kilroy had some bad dreams of Norsemen and a dark man, along with 3 succubi & 3 Incubii joined in a gestalt fashion along with a large sea creature, some imps, Corner Dogs and others - but we gave him some more brandy and he sleeps the night away.

In the mid morning we alight the pinace and sail out just ahead of an eastern loaded merchant ship that seems to be riding low in the water (perhaps due to some heavy barrels of Hydrargyrum we surmise), but is no importance to us on our day of fishing.

We sail some 10 miles off the port and past some sandbanks where we find ourselves looking around for fish when we see the merchant ship behind us appear to stop dead in the water and immediately start sinking. We, being good and kind souls of the sea leap into action to help the stricken vessel and so take wing towards it (we get the feeling that Blackrod may be there). We all consume an Ophans Blood potion as we know situations at sea can be dangerous.

Then when we close, Nereus is horribly assaulted by coincidentally 3 Succubi, 3 Incubi and 5 phantasms but survives the initial bout. We do what we need to do and target Nereus with horribly nasty AoE magical fire which appears to only slightly hurt Nereus but the others are toasted and fall away. We then detect a Dark figure making extreme haste away from the locale like the little cowardly scrote that he is.

We go to render aid and spot some big barrels sinking to the bottom. Being conservationists and anti-pollutionists to boot we decide to clean the area and a friendly ship (very similar to the Queen Anne's Revenge) but named xxx, arrives to help and Nereus seems to take charge due to his nautical bearing. We recover the 5 barrels of Hydrargyrum and assist some trapped norsemen some 60ft underwater who are trapped in an air bubble.

We then proceed to help other merchant ships be free from their heavy cargoes although the crew seem to consider us as working for the dark one and the name of Blackrod is dropped here and there.

Once we've helped these vessels we use the new ship and continue our fishing as we have plenty of supplies and are happy to have helped the locals with their heavy pressing issues. We have discovered Blackrods base is in the Nabatean Temple area so off there we go.

Nabataean Loot


Phylactery Potion of Healing x 8
This glass phial weighs 4oz and contains a phylactery of the Rune College Ritual of Healing. It is quite robust and if worn on a belt or bandolier, it may be Prepared by means of a Free Act and will not break unless the bearer receives a blow to the torso, neck or shoulder and a %ile of 70 or more is rolled.
It will either heal 63 points of damage or treat the imbiber as if by a Rank 6 Healer, taking the same amount of time.

Copper Scrolls
Spell Components

Each of these copper scrolls shows the reader how to make use of particular spell components. They must be bought from the appropriate artisan who will charge the base price plus whatever else the market will bear. Once it has been made, an Alchemist will treat the product and similarly charge what the market will bear. The Adept, Artisan and Alchemist may be the same person, to the Adept's pecuniary advantage

Each component will take the appropriate craftsman the indicated amount of time to produce. An Alchemist will take 8 hours to empower it.

Dark Oil
Rank 3 Miner 3 days
Cost 250sp
Weight 4 oz
Rank 4 Alchemist 200sp

Oil that has never been exposed to sunlight may be processed by a Rank 4 or higher Alchemist who will charge no less than 200sp. It must, thereafter, be stored in opaque containers. If it is attached openly to a belt or bandolier, then it need not be produced from a pocket or pack etc, which normally require 1 or more Pass Actions to prepare. However, if the Adept receives a blow to the torso, then a %ile roll greater than 70 indicates that the phial is shattered and the contents lost.
If it is used, then the entire process of Casting a Spell of Darkness is silent, although the Adept may make noise by other means (e.g. dropping the phial, sneezing, tripping noisily down a flight of stairs etc.).

Green-Eyed Cat of Nightsilver
Rank 6 Jeweller/Silversmith 5 days
Cost 24tsg
Weight 2oz
Rank 6 Alchemist 4tsg

A cat two inches long made of silver must be given to a Rank 6 or better Alchemist. They will charge at least 4tsg to tarnish the jewel with nitric acid to render it black, whereupon the eyes should be set with emeralds, the jewel costing at least 24 tsg. If it is pinned openly on the breast, cloak or forearm, then it need not be produced from a pocket or pack etc, which normally require 1 or more Pass Actions to prepare. However, if the Adept receives a blow to the torso or arm, then a %ile roll greater than 70 indicates that the jewel is destroyed.
If it is used, then the Casting of a spell of instantaneous transport through darkness need not be Prepared, the jewel turning into grey dust whatever the result of the Cast Check.

Obsidian Hand
Rank 6 Jeweller/Sculptor 10 days
Cost 12tsg
Weight 8oz
Rank 5 Alchemist 3tsg

A figurine of a hand six inches long carved from obsidian costing at least 12 tsg must be anointed with the Adept's blood and rose of attar by a Rank 5 or better Alchemist, for which they will charge 3tsg. It may be worn about the neck on a length of string but when detected, will attract inquistorial attention. If the Adept receives a Specific Grievous Injury to the torso, shoulder or neck, then a %ile roll greater than 60 indicates that it has been shattered. If it is carried in a pocket or pack, at least 1 Pass Action (if it is in a pocket, four if in a pack) but must be spent to produce it. If the Adept receives a Specific Grievous Injury in the region where the figurine is held, then a %ile roll greater than 90 indicates that the figurine is destroyed.
If it is used, then the Rank of a spell of Sacrifice is increased by three, the figurine shattering into shards of black glass whatever the result of the Cast Check.

Ring of Flint
Rank 3 Jeweller 3 days
Cost 12gs
Weight 4oz
Rank 4 Alchemist 200sp

A ring knapped from flint by a Rank 3 Jeweller must be prepared by a Rank 4 or better Alchemist. They will charge at least 200 sp to etch the band with glyphs of fire. It may only be worn on the smallest finger of the Adept's left hand. If the Adept receives a Specific Grievous Injury to the arm or hand where the ring resides, then a %ile roll greater than 90 indicates that the ring is destroyed. Even if not destroyed, the component will not be useable if the limb is not.
When it is used, the ring bursts into flame and inflicts five point of unavoidable fire damage but the entire process of Casting a Bolt of Fire spell is silent, although the Adept may make noise by other means (e.g. by sneezing, tripping noisily down a flight of stairs etc.).

Gravemould Glove
Rank 6 Glover 3 days
Cost 4tsg
Weight 1oz
Rank 4 Alchemist 1tsg

A miniature cotton glove three inches long weighing an oz must be filled with gravemould and cost 4tsg, then bathed by a Rank 4 Alchemist in phosphorescent dye who will charge 1tsg. It may not be worn, instead it must be carried in a pocket or pack. It will take at least 1 Pass Action if it is in a pocket, four if in a pack to produce. If the Adept receives a Specific Grievous Injury in the region that the glove is held, then a %ile roll greater than 95 indicates that it has been destroyed, if exposed to fire or corrosive, then 55 or greater indicates it has been reduced to ash, etc.
When it is used, then the dimensions of a Spectral Hand spell increase to 10 feet high by 8 feet wide while PS increases by 10. This may be further modified by other effects. The glove wastes away to black lint once it is used whatever the result of the Cast Check.


The Heritage of Ecthelion of the Fountain
Serendipity, as a consequence of meeting Gothmog the Balrog, knows that, at some distant remove, she is a descendant of Ecthelion of the Fountain. Possibly because of this relationship, possibly because of exposure to the Flame of Udunn, her skin has darknened in hue a little, and her hair has reddened, somewhat.

  • Her Strength of Darkness spell has been uncapped and she may advance it beyond Rank 20.
  • Her AG may be advanced one point per season or adventure, whichever is less, at a cost of 4,000 Experience, to a maximum of 23.
  • She may gaze into a fountain, taking a Pulse or two and call up a vision of Gondolin, whereupon she may shed a negative morale condition (depression, melancholia, fear, etc.) by Breaking 100 => 3 x WP. This ability resets at dawn of the season end festival.

Abysmal Travel
Experience Multiple: 750
This ability takes no time to train, but the reader must have at least 7 consecutive days in which training might take place. It can be advanced one Rank per season or adventure, whichever is least to a maximum of Rank 10.
The reader takes 1 day less to travel across the Abyss for each non-prime Rank of this ability.
The reader reduces the count of the number of entities who travel with them across the Abyss by 1 for each non-prime Rank of this ability.

A Map to the Jackals of the Edge of Twilight
This map leads to a place where the Jackals of the Edge of Twilight, a free sending, may be bound.
The sending can only be called an hour either side of sunset. When invoked, a number of jackals equal to (Rank * Rank + Rank)/2 will physically manifest from the west. Three jackals may occupy a hex without getting in each others way.

Ritual of Raising a Travel Dolmen (R-TD)
Range: Rank x Rank x 10 miles
Duration: Conc. Max: 10 minutes x Rank, min. 10
Experience Multiple: 350
Base Chance: 10% + 4% / Rank
Cast Time: varies
Effects: This Ritual takes three hours (-10 minutes per Rank, min. 10) to Cast, which requires that they walk in a circle, causing a dolmen to rise at the centre. The Druid may allow 1 person (+1 per 2 Ranks to travel with them. If successful, they will all travel to a previously set up destination dolmen along the ley lines. From their perspective, they will be traveling at a walking pace, but in reality their movement rate will be Rank miles per minute, minimum of 1.
It costs 1,000 Experience to enchant a dolmen as a destination, and the process takes about an hour.

Design of the Dark Sistrum
Mechanician Rank 6
This design shows a Mechanician of at least Rank 6 how to construct a percussion instrument of dark, fractal glass on blackened bronze. It produces a range of jangling, discordant bell-like tones, which will draw the ravening talons of night down the frail slate of sanity.
The Mechanician will need four weeks to construct the instrument, who will charge at least 5tsg to make it, and once they have read the copper scroll (taking about an hour), it will crumble to greenish dust.

Dark Celebrant
In the hands of a Troubador of Rank 6 or higher who has learnt how to play the instrument, the sistrum may be used to complete the Rite of the Dark Celebrant over a night of the Dark of the Moon.
Dark Celebrant is a Skill with the same Experience progression as Troubador. On any night when the moon is not Full, the Adept may perform the Rite of the Drawing of the Dark (which requires the use of a Dark Sistrum and takes 30 minutes) to gather 1 Dark per Rank (so, 1 at Rank 0, 2 at Rank 1, etc). A Dark may be spent as part or all of the FT cost of a spell of the College of Dark Magic.
At Rank 2, the Celebrant may use a Free Act and spend 1 Dark to make two checks when Casting a Dark spell and choose the best result.
At Rank 3, 1 Dark may be used to re-roll the failed Cast check of a Dark spell, and this does not require an Action of any kind.
At Rank 4, the Celebrant can increase the Rank of a Dark spell by 1 for every 2 Dark spent to a maximum of 20.
At Rank 5, at the cost of 1 Dark, an instance of the Healing spell may be Prepared with a contingent condition, so long as the target is the Celebrant. When the condition is met, the Cast Check is made, requiring no Action on the part of the Celebrant, and which is modified by the lighting conditions that pertain at the time.
At Rank 6, they may create a Dark Luck pool. The size of the pool is Dark Celebrant Rank - 5. Each Dark Luck point costs 1,000 Experience and is spent when used. Until Rank 9, using Dark Luck is a Free Act, and may be used to force a single target of one of your Dark spells to roll twice, taking the worst result. At Rank 9, using Dark Luck is a Free Action, so does not require the use of any other kind of Act or Action, and more than one may be spent per Pulse. A Dark Luck pool may only be filled (costing 1,000 Experience per point) on a night of the Dark of the Moon.
At Rank 7, by spending a Pass Action, 2 Dark and wielding the Dark Sistrum, the Celebrant may Whisper into the Night. This creates a sibilant, maddening but unhearable jangling that extends over a diameter of 15 feet (+10 feet for every 2 Ranks in Troubador) centred on the Celebrant. This prevents the use of the Military Scientist "time out" ability, and adds the sum of Dark Celebrant and Troubador Ranks to the die result of Cast Checks (increasing the difficulty and likelihood of backfire). The effect lasts for 1 Pulse (+1 Pulse per Rank in Troubador). Once used, it may not be called upon until a Rite of the Drawing of the Dark is performed on a night of the Dark of the Moon.
At Rank 8, at a cost of 3 Dark, the Celebrant may Cast one Dark spell without Preparing it. This ability resets at midnight, unless it is a night of the Full Moon.
At Rank 10, the Celebrant may Cast another Dark spell without Preparing it at a cost of 3 Dark. Again, the ability resets at midnight unless it is a night of the Full Moon.

Rank 0 As part or all of the FT to cast a Dark spell
Rank 2 Spend 1 Free Act & 1 Dark to make 2 Cast Checks and choose the best
Rank 3 Spend 1 DArk to re-roll a failed Cast Check
Rank 4 For every 2 Dark, increase the Rank of a Dark spell by 1
Rank 5 For 1 Dark, contingent Healing spell, target: Self
Rank 6 Dark Luck pool, size 1 (+Rank-5), requires 1 Free Act, cost 1,000 Experience
Rank 7 For 2 Dark, Whsiper into the Night, requires a Pass Action & Dark Sistrum
Rank 8 For 3 Dark, Cast a Dark spell without Preparing it
Rank 9 Dark Luck no longer requires a Free Act
Rank 10 For 3 Dark, Cast another Dark spell without Preparing it

Quicksilver Formula
Rank 11 Alchemy
The Alchemist must reduce by distillation 1 litre of hydrargyrum to 120 mls, which will weigh 30lbs. The finished product may only be stored in specially tempered glazed cermaic or glass vessels, else it will sublimate through lesser material.
It must be begun on a Monday, taking 1 week and no other work, training or recreation may be entered into over the period of the operation. The work involves continuous, painstaking and hideously dangerous labour to produce even one phial of the substance, the material being heated to the point of dangerous volatility to halve its volume every other day. Each day, there is chance of mishap if the Alchemist rolls greater than 20+MD+2*Alchemy, failure indicating that their EN & WP values have been reduced by 1 rollup D10 each and the operation has failed. Stat points reduced will recover at a rate of 1 stat point every 3 consecutive days if and only if they do not take ANY damage, stat reduction or spend more than half their FT while they rest. The arts of a Healer or Healing magic provide no relief against this reduction. More worryingly, however, is that they will only recover 1 FT per hour from taking a nap, and 2 per hour from sleeping. They will feel hagridden and imagine themselves pursued by phantasms. They will, until the metal is chelated away, become more and more estranged from reality, distrustful of friends and companions, and obsessed with the idea of destroying their enemies (who they think are “all around”) or engage in taking tea with rustic vermin. If the metal is not removed within D10 x [Willpower - 20] days, they will completely lose touch with reality, then plot to destroy their friends in the belief that they are “out to get them” and will exhibit other bizarre behaviour. They will be cured of the advanced stage of this affliction only by having the metal removed and then spending 1 rollup D10 * 10 days in rest and recuperation.
This is a Masterwork which will advance the Alchemist to Rank 11 and cost 31,500 Experience. It may be taught to a Rank 10 Alchemist if the teacher spends 31,500 Experience and the student spends 28,350 Experience.

Quicksilver Potion
This 125 ml potion weighs 30lbs and so cannot be worn, it must be stored in a pack or carried in the hand (or manipulating limb for those who do not have hands).
Whoever drinks it gains an extra Action for the next twelve Pulses and has their weight increased by 30 lbs. The metal will not pass out of their body naturally. Instead, they will need to receive the attentions of a Healer who has learnt how to chelate heavy metals from a patient, a process known to take many days of lye soap and wire brush treatment.
If another Quicksilver potion is taken before it has been chelated away, their weight is increased by a further 30lbs, EN & WP are each reduced by 1 rollup D10 and a further EN point is permanently destroyed. This may be bought back in the usual way, but the stat reduction will only recover at a rate of 1 every 3 days if and only if they do not take any damage, further stat reduction or spend more than half of their FT while they rest. The arts of a Healer or Healing magic provides no relief against this reduction. More worryingly, however, is that they will only recover 1 FT per hour from taking a nap, and 2 per hour from sleeping. They will feel hagridden and imagine themselves pursued by phantasms. They will, until the metal is chelated away, become more and more estranged from reality, distrustful of friends and companions, and obsessed with the idea of destroying their enemies (who they think are “all around”) or engage in taking tea with rustic vermin. If the metal is not removed within D10 x [Willpower - 20] days, they will completely lose touch with reality, then plot to destroy their friends in the belief that they are “out to get them” and will exhibit other bizarre behaviour. They will be cured of the advanced stage of this affliction only by having the metal removed and then spending 1 rollup D10 * 10 days in rest and recuperation.
Nevertheless, they are entitled to an extra Action each Pulse but only for six Pulses.
Taking more Quicksilver potions without successful chelation therapy attracts penalties that increase at even greater severity, and it seems unkind to deprive the universe of the opportunity to be truly vindictive when confronted with an unreformed addict.

Heavy Metal Chelation Therapy
Rank 8 Healer
This is a Masterwork for a Rank 7 Healer seeking to advance to Rank 8. Elves who advance to this Rank pay 75% of the Experience cost but may not Ressurrect.
The Healer may treat the victim of a kind of poison that is cumulative and will not leave the body of a patient over any period likely to support life. Unless the poison is sifted out of the patient's tissues, particularly their vital organs, then, even if no other symptom manifests, their life expectancy will diminish by 1 rollup D10 %. More intense poisoning by heavy metals will affect a patient as outlined by its description. There is, however, no chance of natural recovery, the material must be removed, and the technique that this copper scroll reveals is chelation therapy.
Each day that the victim of heavy metal poisoning is treated by the Healer, then 1 rollup D10 is rolled, 8 being subtracted from the result and the Healer's Rank added to it. The result may be 0. If the result is non-zero, then this value is subtracted from the heavy metal quotient in the patient's body.
Only one attempt can be made per day, and the FT cost is 15.
The copper scroll indicates that wire brush and lye soap are sovereign aids to treating patients in need of chelation, although this may only be intended to raise their morale. The Healer is encouraged to apply the technique, however, the better to protect patients from the vicissitudes of depression.

Rank 4 Herbalism
Any attempt to take cuttings or seedlings of this flowering bush, very like geranium, will fail unless performed by a Rank 4+ Herbalist.
Once established, however, the plant is hardy and needs very little care. It cannot abide wet terrain, and requires a heavily sunned position. In terms of maintenance, the plant requires 72 hours of care a season, divided by the Herbalist's Rank. The least amount of time that must be spent cultivating it is 4 hours a month and if this maintenance time is not met or exceeded, it will wither and die.
Bright red flowers burst out of green stems from the middle of Spring into late Auturmn, the petals of which may be harvested for redsalt, a product in much demand by witch hunters. Otherwise, it may be sold as salt of an exotic colour.
Redwort, in sufficient quantities, has been known to drain salt from the soil and is much-prized for its ability to return land long thought barren to arability.
It will take 3 growing seasons to plant out redwort to cover 3 acres, each acre returning 20 (+5% per Rank in Herbalist) bushels of redsalt a year. In the first year that redsalt is sold in the Seagate market, it will fetch 1tsg *(5 per Rank in Merchant - 30)% per bushel, the following year, 168gs +(5 per Rank in Merchant - 30)% per bushel, 84gs*(+5 per Rank in Merchant - 30)% per bushel the year after that, assuming that the redwort plantation doubles in area for each of the first three years. After year 3, two things happen: the value of a bushel of redsalt plummets to 11gs at the loss of its novelty value, and salt production will fall below sustainable levels as the soil is cleansed.
Replanting is labour-intensive and requires hands-on support from a Rank 4+ Herbalist, at a weekly rate of 225sp (+25sp per Rank greater than 4) unless the labour is performed by a PC with nothing better to do with their time and no interest in money. Similarly, a factor with positive Rank in Merchant may be hired to improve the financial yield at a weekly rate of 125sp (+25 per Rank). The maximum that the market can bear is 23,000sp per annum, so an alternative will need to be found if production exceeds the economic base.

Bloodroot Weed
Rank 4 Herbalism
Any attempt to take cuttings or seedlings of this dock-like weed will fail unless performed by a Rank 4+ Herbalist.
Once established, the weed is unnervingly hardy and needs very little care. It is supported in wet or dry terrain and cares but a little for the degree of sun or shade it grows in. Indeed, in terms of maintenance, the plant requires 72 hours of care a season, divided by the Herbalist's Rank to keep it from escaping and taking over other the environment. The least amount of time that must be spent cultivating it is 4 hours a month and if this maintenance time is not met or exceeded, it will grow wild and drain the fecundity from the soil.
A wise Herbalist will ensure that this plant is confined to their conservatory. Its roots, which are as red as its name indicates, are dangerous in the hands of the unwise or malign. They may be eaten to produce a relaxing narcosis that saps the will and drains ambition. If it is established in a bed of bloodroot clay, the roots are even more intensely coloured and their effects even more deleterious when eaten.
For those that know how to make the concoction, the roots of a plant bedded into the special clay may be made into an ink that, when used to Cast the Control Entity spell, becomes invisible.
The flowers are strongly coloured, and many believe that a bright scarlet ink or dye might be produced from them if a good mordant can be found.

Blue Lotus
Rank 4 Herbalistm
Any attempt to take cuttings from this water-lily will fail unless performed by a Rank 4+ Herbalist.
This is a water lily, blue in colour, although it strongly resembles a lotus. It will only grow in marshes or still water, and produces a pleasing, soporific scent.
Once established, the plant requires 84 hours of care a season, divided by the Herbalist's Rank to keep it from escaping into waterways and fouling them. The least amount of time that must be spent cultivating it is 6 hours a month and if this maintenance time is not met or exceeded, it will find its way into a watercourse and foul it or wither and die, depending on the environment.
Again, a wise Herbalist will ensure that this plant is confined to a water garden. Even in its natural state, its scent is strong enough to make the unwary drift off for an hour or two of sleep. If it is kept in a conservatory or water garden, a Herbalist my sustain Rank number of these plants, and harvest Rank / 2 doses per plant per year.
By itself, it is not particularly dangerous, but for those who know how to produce a tincture from its flowers, then a spell component may be produced that inflicts a penalty of 5 (+ Herbalist Rank) to the Magic Resistamce of the target of a Spell of Enchanted Sleep. This will stack with Evil Eye, but only if the target breathes air.

Withergall Oak
Rank 6 Herbalist
Any attempt to take cuttings or seedlings from this bent and withered looking oak will fail unless performed by a Rank 6+ Herbalist.
Some care is needed to help this tree establish, although once it has, it is quite hardy. Nevertheless, the first season, a Herbalist must attend it for at least 12 hours a week for six weeks. A Herbalist check of PC (+3 x Rank)% is made, and if successful, the tree has become established, otherwise it withers and dies.
It prefers hot, arid climates, and sandy soil. It cannot abide wet terrain, and requires a heavily sunned position. Trees placed closer than seventy feet to other trees or plants will never mature and may die. In terms of maintenance, the plant requires 72 hours of care a season, divided by the Herbalist's Rank. The least amount of time that must be spent cultivating it is 4 hours a month and if this maintenance time is not met or exceeded, it will wither and die.
Once the tree is six years old, it will have grown to a maximum height of around 5 metres and will begin producing about four fist-sized galls (+1 per Rank) over the course of a year. Fifteen drams of a blue-black dye or ink may be extracted from each gall by a Rank 6 or better Herbalist, taking about eight hours (- 1 per hour greater than 6). Six drams sells for 3sp +(5 per Rank in Merchant - 30)%.

Binary Vapours of the Death Camps

This large flask weighs 3 lbs and holds, two phials of containing 6,500 cubic feet of two gases derived from plants specially bred to harvest the psychic emanations of the victims of death camps, and concentrated Zyklon-B.

If the contents are released, then the spectral fumes will fill the entire hex at the point of impact, then spread out horizontally at a rate of 1 hex in each direction for seven Pulses. It will climb as high as 1 hex every other Pulse. If only one phial is used, then any living sentient who breathes it in will be transfixed, recalling the horrors of the death camps as if they were its victims. Each Pulse they are in the miasma, they may attempt to crawl 1 hexx away from the epicentre, requiring that they succeed at a Break 100 => WP, failure indicating they have been caught in a vortex of horror and despair. If both phials are released, then, while they are transfixed by these miseries, their flesh will melt from their bones, losing half their maximum FT and EN per Pulse. Those who die will leave only their bones behind, making resurrection problematic. Should the hand of a divine or similar intervene, then, 5 of their EN will be destroyed and may never be restored.

Vapour Breathing less than Rank 15 will be entirely ineffective against the dreadful magic.

Rod of Smiting
This mace weighs 4 lbs, has a base Strike Chance of 53%, and inflicts 1 rollup D10 + 5 C Class damage. The haft is made from satinwood and the head is made of lead set in bronze.
The rod is a legal target for a Ritual casting of the Smite spell, which may be triggered while duration remains. Light Mace
This weapon weighs 3 lbs, requires but PS 13 to wield, has a base Strike Chance of 61% and inflicts 1 rollup D10 + 8 C Class damage. In the hands of an Assassin, the chance to deliver a blow directly to EN is 20% of its modified Strike Chance, a Specific Grievous Injury is 10% of its modified Strike Chance and it is a cumulative mace and sap. Long Breath
This weapon weighs 3 lbs, has a base Strike Chance of 57% and inflicts 1 rollup D10 + 6 A or B Class damage. In the hands of someone who is Water aspected, Long Breath is a cumulative estoc and claymore.
Once a season, the wielder may hold their breath for three minutes without difficulty, resetting at noon of the end of season festival. Staff of Visitation
This 5'10" slender staff is made from pepperwood chased with orichalcum. It weighs 5 lbs, has a base Strike Chance of 61% and inflicts 1 rollup D10 + 4 C Class damage. Bonus damage for extra PS is never applied. It accepts weapon spells but these have nothing more than cosmetic effects, except that a Spectral Weapon or Rune Weapon spell will allow the staff to Strike at the incorporeal or into the Astral.
It is a spell rack.
Once a bonding cost of 1 EN has been paid, the wielder:
  • increases their Cast Chance with the Spell of Visitation by their Rank in quarterstaff.
  • increases their Defence by 2 (+2 per Rank in Quarterstaff). This will not stack with Defence from other weapons or shields.
  • reduces damage by 1 at Rank 4 in Quarterstaff and by another at Rank 8. This applies to all incoming damage including but not that caused by curses, poison, disease, Disruption, Putrid Wound, Necrosis, Hand of Death, Torment or the like.
  • reduces the target's Magic Resistance of a triggered spell (Smite, Sacrifice or the like) by the wielder's Rank in quarterstaff.
  • the wielder subtracts their Rank in quarterstaff from the die roll when making MR checks and if the modified result of the MR check is '01' or less, then they (and the hex they occupy) are not affected by any aspect of the magic. Thus, half-damage spells or magic that is not resistable may be entirely avoided if the roll is low enough.
  • the counterspells of one extra college may be cast on the staff, to the benefit of the wielder
  • adds 1 spell matrix which will always unrack once the incantation has been cast.
Certain spells may be invested in the staff at half the normal cost, each charge taking 8 hours to store. Only 20 spells may be invested in the staff, but any combination is allowed. The wielder releases the spells stored by using a Cast Action, they are not Triggered.
The following spells may be so Invested:
Counterspells Mist Buoyancy Warping
Animating Objects Disjunction Vapour Breathing Thunderclap
Increased Gravity Fireball Rainstorm Speaking to Enchanted Creatures

Basalt Behemoth
This dark grey basalt figurine of a hippopotamus if 13 inches long, weighs 60 lbs and has been carved with a bronze chisel.
The behemoth can be released from the figurine at dawn after a full moon. It can be returned to its figurine status by convincing it to swallow a stone cannonball. Good luck with that.
Descriptions:The behemoth is a huge "aquatic" mammal with a long round body, short ears, and a large, waisted snout. It is 13 feet long and weighs 4 1/2 tonnes. Its hide is rough, stony and dark grey. It has round flat teeth or tusks, and horrible breath. It is a 4 hex monster.
Comments: The behemoth can breathe underwater, and is treated as an aquatic. While submerged, the behemoth is difficult to spot, as usually only its nostrils and eyes protrude above the water line. It is very territorial, and will challenge any creature or boat that it does not recognise. It will attempt to surprise and capsize any craft that comes too close or appears hostile. On land, it is slow and much less formidable. It will try to draw opponents into the water.

PS: 50 MD: 9 AG: 10 MA: 0 EN: 45 FT: 45
WP: 12 PC: 18 PB: 9 TMR: 3/5 NA: Hide absorbs 12 DP


Tusk: BC 60%, [D10+7], Melee or Close, Rank 6.
Creatures smaller than 4 feet long are swallowed whole on a successful Strike Check, inflicting 1 rollup D10 digestion damage (+1 additional rollup D10 per Pulse swallowed).
The behemoth can automatically capsize a boat 20 feet long or less by executing a Close manouevre.

If it is slain, then its body will disappear, leaving in its place the dark grey basalt figurine of a hippopotamus 13 inches long and weighing 60 lbs.

Stygian Ferry
This slender punt is 2 feet wide and 18 feet long. It may be Called once a day from any body of water. Undead may not board this vehicle, although they may touch it without harm, but mortals that board it will surely die.
The boat travels across water at the owner's movement rate (or their TMR if in individual combat on water), or cover about 200 miles per day. It may not be affected by Mage Current or Mage Wind. It may be improved by the arts of a Navigator, and will accept a bearing so may continue to travel while the owner rests.
It may cross such rivers as the Phlegethon, the Cocytus, the Styx or the Lethe, but not the rivers that bound Eden.

Slate of Minor Divination
This slate is 10 inches long by 6 inches wide and weighs 9 oz. If it is touched to an object, then the face of the slate will animate with strange, vaguely geometric shapes, eventually resolving into a pattern of sigils. With time, the owner may learn to interpret these marks as if it were talent magic and at an Experience Multiple of 75. If they roll less than or equal to PC (+5 / Rank) then they have made out sufficient information that will satisfy a question of the same kind as Detect Aura. If the roll is a double or triple, then 2 or 3 questions, respectively, may receive answers.


Ring of Quickness
This ring must be worn on the smallest finger of the bearer's left hand. It increases the bearer's Initiative (Engaged or Unengaged) by 1 D10 + 20. This bonus only applies to the bearer, even if they are the party's Military Scientiest. If the add is 30, then they gain a second Action at half their Initiative value (truncating any fractions).
Bonuses from Military Scientist may be applied to the bearer as noted above, but the ring has no effect for a bearer who has Ranks in Warrior.

If this property is removed, then the ring loses all of its value.

Quizzing Glass
This silver quizzing glass is decorated with tiny diamonds, and weighs 4 oz. For someone who has learnt the Courtly Grace of Arching an Eyebrow (Courtier/Courtesan Rank 4, 950 Experience), they may force a target to answer a question in response to the target's reluctance by leaning forward, taking a Pass Action, deploying the glass and Arching the Eyebrow. Unless a 2 x WP Check (-2 per Rank) is made, then the target must provide an answer, although not necessarily a truthful one. In the specific case of a girl of delicate years, then they might answer by blushing and running away with their face in the folds of their gown.

Ring of Spell Eating
This bronze ring has an open maw engraved upon it. It must be worn on the middle finger of the left hand for its magic to be effective.
If the bearer has been affected by attack magic, then the duration is halved, truncating any fractions.
This will not have any effect on magic whose duration is permanent or immediate.

Earring of Fire Resistance
This brass earring has been set with a brilliant, red garnet. It must be worn in the left earlobe for its magic to be effective.
If the wearer should be struck by the Specific Grievous Injury results 31 - 34, 41 - 43, 70 - 74 or 95 - 97, then they must roll 65% or less to avoid having the jewel destroyed.


If the wearer should avoid the Specific Grievous Injury by some means, then the item saving throw check is still required.
While it is worn, the wearer ignores the first 12 points of Fire damage (magical or otherwise) each Pulse. This will reset at the beginning of the Pulse. The magic of the earring is applied after Fire Armour, but before any other fire protection.

Amulet of Protection versus Scrying and ESP
This amulet is made in the shape of a lidded eye out of lapis lazuli set in electrum and weighs 4 oz. It must be worn on the left shoulder as a cloak brooch for its magic to be effective.
If the wearer should be struck by the Specific Grievous Injury results 14 - 18, 35 if right handed or ambidextrous, 36 if left handed, 53 - 60 if left handed, 61 - 67 if right handed or ambidextrous, 75 - 80 or 88 & 89, then they must roll 75% or less to avoid having the jewel destroyed.


If the wearer should avoid the Specific Grievous Injury by some means, then the item saving throw check is still required.
When the amulet is used, the lid is closed and the wearer must pay 1 Strain each hour or part thereof. While the magic is in effect, the wearer may not be detected by ESP, Crystal of Vision, Waters of Vision, Wizard's Eye or similar magic, UNLESS the wearer can be detected by some other means. So, for example, if the wearer is creeping along a sewer beneath a Mind Mage who has cast ESP, then they will not be revealed by the spell. However, if the same Mind Mage sees the wearer climbing out of a manhole that is within range, then they will appear on ESP, although their mental state will reflect that they are not thinking of anything in particular.


Phantasm - Visitation
Range: Special
Duration:' Concentration: no maximum
Resist: May not be resisted
Target: Entity
Effects:This incantation creates an insubstantial, magical beast that must be targeted at a particular victim which is either visible to the Adept or located through the spell of Telepathy. The target may interpret the beast as being a phantasm from their own worst nightmare. Lack of imagination, however, does not offer any protection or immunity. The Adept has no control over the shape of the creature. The phantasm appears beside the Adept, and then travels straight towards the target at a TMR equal to 1 + 1 / Rank, passing through walls, air etc. When in melee range of the target the Phantasm always does [D - 4] (+ 1 / Rank) damage each pulse, including the pulse when it arrives at the target. The phantasm is only substantial to, and visible to, the target and thus can be directly affected by the target (using spells or magical weapons). Anyone may cast a Rune College Special Counterspell over the area currently occupied by the phantasm which will force it away but not dissipate it. The phantasm is immune to all other spells and weapons. The Phantasm’s magic resistance, defence and initiative are all zero and it always acts last in the pulse. The phantasm has a single combined Endurance and Fatigue of 20 (+ 5 / 3 Ranks). The phantasm dissipates when: its endurance drops to zero; its target dies or leaves the plane; the Adept drops or loses concentration. The Adept has some awareness of the phantasm’s location, and is aware of its dissipation.
Cost: 1500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1.

Astral Projection - Visitation
Effects: The Adept must draw the Runes of Farseeing on themselves while performing the spell. If successful, the Adept is able to project themselves into the Astral Plane from a point within range of a previously drawn Rune of Location, within range. They are dimensionally proximate to that location and Invisible (as the Illusionist spell (G-4)). The Adept may manifest to the point where they can communicate and use all their senses from the eidolon's perspective, but may not be harmed by an attack unless it is one that reaches into the Astral. The eidolon may move no more than 10 feet (+ 10 / rank) from the specific Rune of Location that is being targeted. The Adept may increase their level of manifestation and to trigger attack magic on an opponent from magic like Smite, Sacrifice or similar. If the Rank of the spell is 16 or higher, then Invisibility will not be broken unless the Adept desires it. No actual melee damage is inflicted, only the effects of the triggered magic are applied since the Adept may not Cast spells or rituals. When the duration has expired (or anytime prior that the Adept wishes), the eidolon quickly fades and travels back to the Adept.
Cost: 3,000 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, a plaque of jasper the size of a large playing card worth 500 gs which is consumed upon Casting.

Wyrm Hole - Visitation x 2
Range: Rank squared x 10 miles (min 10 miles)
Duration: Conc. Max: 10 minutes x Rank, min. 10
Effects:This incantation allows the Adept to travel to one of their Rune Portals within range. A greyish,roiling vortex appears in front of the Adept, twisting off in the direction of the crystal, fading after about 30 feet or so. The gate is one hex wide. The Adept can increase this by spending three FT per additional hex. In general, a multi-hex creature will need a gate as wide as the number of hexes they occupy, although the DM can rule otherwise. Entering the gate strips all travellers of FT. The aperture of the gate closes after Rank number of entities enter it or the Adept does, whichever comes first. The Adept can dismiss the gate at any time. Travellers exit in the order they entered. There must be space for them to do so, otherwise they and all subsequent travellers will be instantly returned to their point of origin. For ease of calculation, the distance is covered at a rate of 60 miles per hour x Rank (Rank miles per minute). However, although the travel takes time, the distance is not actually traversed.
Nevertheless, the wormhole's path must be unimpeded, it cannot pass through barriers like closed doors or windows, etc. Nor may it intersect or become adjacent to any ferrous metal. This spell will only work in places where the Astral plane is dimensionally proximate (i.e. not in the Seventh Plane).
Cost: 2,500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 3.

Terrain Feature - Wall of Stone
Effects: This incantation of the Wall of Stone spell is a legal target for the Blending spell. This conceals the wall so that it appears to be a natural part of the environment, and which may not be penetrated unless the observer's Witchsight, Enhanced Vision or Second Sight is equal or higher Rank that the Blending spell.
Cost: 1000 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, a sprig of ivy which is consumed when Casting.

Preservation - Spell of Herbal Lore
Range: Touch
Duration:' Special
Target: Plant
Effects:This incantation preserves and protects one type of plant or plant product up to 1 lb (+ 1 lb / Rank) against the ravages of time, decay, rust, erosion or wave action. Different kinds of plants must be Preserved by separate Casts of the incantation.
It does not confer any protection against magical attacks and the duration is 1 (+ Rank squared) days.
Cost: 1000 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1.

Cannibalise - Trollskin
Range: Self
Effects:This incantation converts 1 point of EN to 2 points of FT each Pulse until the spell's duration expires or it is Counterspelled.
Cost: 1500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1.

Conjuring & Controlling Earth Elemental - Ent Call
Range: 20 ft
Duration: 1 hour + 1 hour / Rank
Resist: None
Target: Earth Elemental
Effects: This special incantation gives the the elemental the form of an ent over the passage of a Pulse. The duration of the conjuration and control spell is 1 hour (+1 hour per Rank). His stats are the same as the elementals, and, indeed he has the behaviour of an elemental, not an ent. Except that, like an ent, he may not be banished and is not dissipated if separated from the earth.
Constraints:Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.

Ferment - Decay
Range: Self
Effects:This incantation ferments 1 cubic foot (+ 1 cubic foot / Rank) of organic material. Fruit, herbs or vegetables may be used to produce cider, beer, ale or wine. However, the incantation is a blunt instrument and anything better than poor quality is beyond this magic.
It is quite good, however, at breaking down rotting organic materiel to the point that the smell is bearable and it produces reasonable compost. If a double or triple effect is achieved, then the volume fermented may be doubled or tripled.
Cost: 500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1.

Contagious Infiltration - Creating Plague
Effects: If the Adept's target fails to Resist this spell, then the Adept becomes a disease as listed on the schedule below:

Rank Disease
0-5 Measles
6-10 Consumption
11-15 Typhoid
16-18 Bubonic Plague
19-20 Pneumonic Plague

and infiltrates their body. The Adept must spend 1 Strain each hour or part thereof that they sequester themselves within their victim.
The target will not die of the disease, but will become habitually ill and all who come in contact with them may contract a potentially fatal dose of the disease. In effect, the target becomes a carrier. This spell is a major curse.
The Adept may attempt to leave their target's body (which will relieve them of the ailment) by Breaking 100 => MA + WP and spending 10 FT. Whether or not they succeed, the target will feel particularly poorly and may well experience nausea, stomach cramps, headaches or any other symptom the DM deems appropriate. When the target has recovered (which will take about an hour if the their health is generally good, longer if they are poorly), the Adept may make another attempt.
If this is successful, then, in the best alternative of several reasonably horrifying ones, the Adept is ejected from the target's body as vomitus. Or other bodily ejecta that, again, the DM deems appropriate.
If the target dies before the Adept has managed to escape, then they will be trapped inside without anyway of getting out, confronting the horror of their approaching death as their FT is gradually exhausted.
Cost: 3,500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, consumes Adept's blood (5 FT) when the incantation is Cast.

18th of Harvest 819wk

The charge happen with various successes in each area. In the upper area there are a number of enemy including a sectional 5 hex creature made by a nasty Rune Mage, a number of Imps, some human adversaries (including a Military scientist) and many others. Seren, Kern, Nereus and Aryan were up there and much death happened due to the magic abounding which resulted in the deaths of enemy in various forms until the last ones fled.
Much good work was done by the elementals as well, acting as "ele-vators" and such!

In the lower area with Kilroy and Eric the dying Brimstone dragon was kept dying even through Blackrod sought to change this (but to no avail) and in the end not even the arrival of Bathin The Pale Duke and a Dark Titan helped as he was finally subdued and we get to use him (Blackrod) as a bridge to save approx 9000 souls by taking them into Nereus' eye for relocation.

Much looting happened. Some stuff noted (but more to come)

  • Imps each had 3 Red Iron Grenadoes and several 120ml potions (that weigh 30lbs each) made from Hydragym that trap moments of time to provide an extra action per pulse for 1 minute.
  • A Healer treatise to remove heavy metal which ranks healer 7-8 (masterwork)at no exp cost.
  • Copper scrolls inc one for Darkness using Dark oil. Enables silent casting in darkness without utterances. Rank 4 Alchemy and uses 250sp of oil to make using oil that has never seen the light.
  • Redwort plants which are weeds that drain salt from the soil to create a red salt dust that can be used to make witch salt. Rank 4 herbalist.
  • Bloodroot Clay
  • 3 x Phylactories of Heal. Acts as a Rank 6 healer ability to do healer things or can be sued to heal up to 63 points of damage (as per rune healing)
  • Star Gems from the roof - useful for Star types
  • 3 x 20pt healing potions
  • 2 x Brimstone Dragon eyes that are useful for Crystal of Vision creation as they can see into proximate dimensions
  • 1 Brimstone dragon tooth that would be a superb short sword
  • Brimstone Dragon Pituitary gland which would be useful for xxx
  • Alchemical recipes inc distilling Hydrargyrum etc
  • Staff to create wormholes

Its a certainty that there is much much more to come ;-)

This appears to be the end of this Universe and our interactions here - but you never know do you!

Day 1 of Harvest 819wk

Day 1 of Harvest 819wk

Dramatis Personae


  • 200 x Healing Herbs for Healing Spell @ 50sp each
  • 60 10pt Healing potions
  • 6 Restore Reason potions
  • 6 potions of Protection
  • 6 Pentecost potions - used
  • 30 Restoratives 6/12 potions


U235 Treasure
Item Qty Effects Ke Er Ki Se Ar Ne x x2 X
Allocated Itemry Aryan
Water of Vision 2 Y
Scroll of Protection vs Undead 1 Y
Invested Gem 1 Y
Periapt of Wound Closure 1 Y
Eugenics Dagger of Arya 1 Y
Staff of the Serpent 1 Y
Crossbow Of Distance 1 Y
Stone Morningstar 1 Y
Laen Scalemail 1 Y
Allocated Itemry Nereus
Potion of Heroism 1 Y
Potion of Flying 1 Y
Invested Iris 1 Y
Invested Bristol Diamond 1 Y
Javelin of Piercing 1 Y
Dagger of Venom 1 Y
Holy Avenger 1 Y
Magebane Blade 1 Y
Heavy Plate Armour 1 Y
Bag of Holding 1 Y
Allocated Itemry Kern
Potion of Diminuation 1 Y
Potion of Extra Healing 1 Y
Scroll of Protection from Lycanthropes 1 Y
Invested Tigers Eye 1 Y
Potion of Waters of Vision 1 Y
Talisman of Pure Evil 1 Sold onto Turf
Grimsteel Chain Mail 1 Y
Brandestoc Fork 1 Y
Burning Blade 1 Y
Glass Spear 1 Y
Allocated Itemry Seren
Love Philtre 1 Y
Arrow of Slaying Aberrations 1 Y
Invested Gem 1 Y
Scroll of Protection vs the Diabolic 1 Y
Magebane Blade 1 Y
Elemental Bronze Broadsword 1 Y
Grimsteel Chain Mail 1 Y
The Robes of Kullkuhlet the Fallen 1 Y
Wand of Magic Detection 1 Y
Allocated Itemry Kilroy
Potion of Clairaudience 1 Y
Scroll of Protection vs Petrifaction 1 Y
Small Laen Shield 1 Y
Scalebane 1 Y
Potion of Fire Armour 1 Y
Invested Red Jasper 1 Y
Staff of Striking 1 Y
Ring of Protection 1 Y
Gimsteel Chain mail 1 Y
Allocated Itemry Eric
Potion of Clairaudience 1 Y
Potion of Fire Giant Strength 1 Y
Invested Obsidian Crescent 1 Y
Scroll of Protection vs Spells 1 Y
Grimsteel Chain Mail 1 Y
Knights Shield 1 Y
Insulphaere 1 Y
Burning Blade 1 Y
Mace of Disruption 1 Y
Ring of Protection 1 Y


Purchases and Expenses
Item Qty Effects Ke Er Ki Se Ar Ne x x2 X
Vial of Hydragym (Cost 300TSG) 1 Y Paid
Vials of activated Brimstone 3 100TSG each
C 0
D 0
D 0
D 0
D 0
D 0
D 0
D 0
D 0
D 0
D 0
D 0
D 0
K 0
K 0
K 0
K 0
K 0
K 0


Note Hansom the coachman\driver, who will work for whomever gets The Post Coach - for suitable compensation!

Item Qty Effects Ke Er Ki Se Ar Ne x x2 X
Phylactery Potion of Healing 8
Copper Scroll - Dark Oil 1
Copper Scroll - Green_Eyed Cat of Nightsilver 1
Copper Scroll - Obsidian Hand 1
Copper Scroll - Ring of Flint 0
Copper Scroll - Gravemould Glove 0
Copper Scroll - Design of the Dark Sistrum 0
Copper Scroll - Dark Celebrant 0
Copper Scroll - Quicksilver Formula 1
Copper Scroll - Heavy Metal Chelation Therapy 1
Herbalism - Redwort 1
Herbalism - Bloodroot 1
Herbalism - Blue Lotus 1
Herbalism - Withergall Oak 1
Demon Body Parts 1000lbs Looted from field of dead demons
D 0
D 0
Loot (unallocated)  
Dagger of Uvall 2
Red Iron Grenado 6
Hell-Hound Barding 4
Wand of Disruption 1
Wand of Nightmares 1
The Post Coach 1
Gauntlet of Mabelode 1
Scroll of Fairy Blossom 1
Power Words 2 Burn & Darken
Canker Rose 1 Earth or Rune
Void of Chardos 1 Dark or Rune
Runewall - the Bridge of Psemrath 2
Geodes inc Crystal Gnomes several
Dissolving Gas grenade 1 disolves organics within 45ft Diameter
Flesh Pots 8 Repair Spec Grevs
Star Gems ?
Brimstone Dragon Tooth 1 Special Short Sword
Brimstone Dragon Pituatary Gland 1 ???
Wormhole Staff 0
Brimstone Dragon Eyes 2 Useful CoV (see into proximate)
M 0
M 0
Loot or Things Directly Allocated  
Eyes of Crystal effect 1 bonus PC when hunting Y
Great Ruby Heart 1 10 crystal points Y
Heart of Darkness 1 10 darkness points Y
Geode Eye 2 Y
Heritage of Ecthelion of the Fountain 1 Y
M 0
M 0
M 0
M 0
M 0
M 0
M 0
M 0
M 0
M 0


Long Term Buffs (assumed always on)
Magic (caster) Rk Effects Dur Ar Er Ke Ki Ne Se
Strength of Stone (Ke) 20 +20 EN 21 hrs Y Y Y Y Y Y
Armour of Earth (Ke) 20 +42% Def 1 DR (+40 MR & 20 MDR vs Elem, Necro, Demonic..) 20 Weeks Y Y
Rune Armour (Ki) 20 +25 Def, +5 AP, 2 SG 10.5 hrs Y
Smite (Ki) 20 Resist or D+21, knocked prone, stunned 21 h Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Witchsight (Se) 14 7½ hrs Y
Strength of Darkness (Se) 19 +11 PS 3⅓ hrs Y Y Y Y
Waters of Strength(Er) 16 (D-2)+16 PS 1 h 25 m
Short Term Buffs - Cast as Needed
Magic (caster) Rk Effects Dur Ar Er Ke Ki Ne Se
Dark Wings (Se) 10 40 mph 5½ hrs
Rune Weapon (Ki) 20 D-5+7 x D pulses 25 m
Diamond Weapon (Ke) 10 +10% SC 15 m
Self Only Buffs
Magic (caster) Rk Effects Dur Ar Er Ke Ki Ne Se
Sense Danger %
Mind Shield: rk +10 +2/rk MR vs Mental Att. 8
Herbal Lore +10 +2/rk to find herbs 7 12
Tracking +10 +2/rk Tracking 7 12
Aryan Mil Sci
Melee Only: +16% Def, +16% SC, +16 IV, +1 End of Pulse Pass Action in melee
Raise Morale +7 WP
-17 dice mod on Fear Checks; -34 on Fright Table
Aryan's Callisthenics
+1 AG
Herbalist Meals/Broth
4FT for meal or 4FT for broth/tea
Kilroy's Tea
+2 FT, +2 WP, +1 Spell Rank, +1 Mana Level, +10 SC & IV for 20 hours
Lucky Numbers
  • Kilroy 81 and 58
  • Kern 95
  • Aryan 27
  • Nereus 58
Astrology from Rahne: Aspect - Guide - Sphere
First Reading Second Reading Third Reading
Aryan 563: Wood Horse Order 054: Mana Snake Chaos 578: Wood Sheep Death
Eric 264: Ox Horse Chaos 102: Air Boar Body 021: Mana Ox Spirit
Kern 819: Star Rodent Magic 739: Moon Tiger Magic 775: Moon Sheep Light
Kilroy 401: Water Boar Spirit 501: Wood Boar Spirit 090: Mana Wolf Mundane
Nereus 965: Sun Horse Light 462: Water Horse Body 001: Mana Boar Spirit
Seren 723: Moon Ox Order 932: Sun Tiger Body 150: Air Snake Mundane

Watch Order

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Aryan Eric Nereus Aryan
Kilroy Serendipity Kern

Marching Order

Skirmish Formations (Front)

Aryan Eric Kern
Serendipity Nereus Kilroy

Double File

Aryan Eric
Kilroy Serendipity
Nereus Kern

Single File


Loot and Expenses

From the Black Annis's we liberated from Rabat!
  1. 4 Cyber Arms with skill slots since we returned the bodies to the Lord of Iron ;-(
  2. 2 Annis Skins (iron enchanced) since we returned the bodies to the Lord of Iron ;-(

We could still however have the easily lootable items below

Agate Amulet x 4

This amulet of agate weighs 4 oz and must be worn openly around the neck to be effective.
This amulet will cure the bearer of any non-magical diseases as if they were being treated by a Rank 7 Healer. The necklace always tries to cure diseases in the order in which they were acquired. It has three charges. In the event that the amulet succeeds in its Cure Disease check, no charge is used. If the roll fails, a charge is used and the bearer is cured anyway.

3 2 1

Once all of the charges are used, the amulet fades to a greenish dust.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed? GM
Harvest of the Planes Autumn 819 Hell Formerly living Affliction 3,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Potion of Extra Healing x 4

This potion weighs 4 oz, and need not be Prepared before it can be used if it is attached to a convenient belt or strap.
Once taken, the potion heals 3 rollup D10 healing to EN or FT as well as 8FT.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.?? GM
Harvest of the Planes Autumn 819 Tanuel Formerly living Healing 5,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Potion of Greater Healing x 2

This potion weighs 4 oz, and need not be Prepared before it can be used if it is attached to a convenient belt or strap.
Once taken, the potion heals 3 roll-up D10 + 20 healing to EN or FT as well as 12FT.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.?? GM
Harvest of the Planes Autumn 819 Tanuel Formerly living Healing 5,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Salve of Restore Life

This salve is contained in a heavy container. It takes a pulse to prepare it and a pulse or more to apply it. It weighs 4oz.
When applied, it will Resurrect the Dead as if the person using the salve were a Rank 13 Healer.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
Harvest of the Planes Autumn 819 Tanuel Magical Tronim 10,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Luger x 2

This pistol weighs 2 lbs and is about 9 inches long.
Rank with Crossbow of any kind may be used with this weapon. The base Strike Chance is 50%, base Damage is D10 + 1 + Specific Grievous Injury (any Class applying, except for amputations), maximum range is 30 hexes.
The magazine holds 8 9 mm parabellum rounds.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.?? GM
Harvest of the Planes Autumn 819 New Terra None None Quest px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376
  1. - 2 x Cattle Prod Sticks (stun)
Purchases in Perfidious Albion

Pot of Flesh x 8

This pot contains a pinkish, oozing mass and weighs 4 oz. When it's contents are applied to a wounded entity, up to 3 Specific Grievous Injuries will be cured. If there is only one such injury, it will be cured at the end of the next Pulse. If there are three, then none of them will be cured until the end of the third Pulse after the mass has been applied.
No particular Skill is required to place the mass, it will slither around the target's body and infiltrate the wounds.
In addition, D+5 EN damage is cured.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed? GM
Harvest of the Planes Winter 819 Perfidious Albion Formerly living Regeneration 5,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Potion of Ophan Blood x 10

Rank 10 Alchemy
This potion bottle is chased in an alloy of lead and tin and will not break easily. It must be prepared before imbibing. It weighs 4 oz.
The effects lasts for 12 pulses. For that period, the imbiber can decide which of their percentile dice are the tens and which are the units. For example, if 91 were rolled it could be read as 19 instead.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
Harvest of the Planes Winter 819 Perfidious Albion Previously living Fortune 8,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376
Purchases in the Silken Bazaar
  • Water stained silk -
  • dream silk - use to absorb mind damaging silk - 3gs per metre. 40m for kern.
  • Shadow Silk - use to absorb damage. 5m kilroy for 1.3tsg
  • Sea Silk (1m is 1TSG) 5m for kern
  • Falconers Glove x 2 one for kilroy and one for kern
  • Fire Silk - 5m for
  • kerns buys 2 dozen 1tsg rubies
Purchases from the city of brass
  • 2 blank phylacteries
From City of Brass - Temple of fire

Potion of Ophan Blood x 2

Rank 10 Alchemy
This potion bottle is chased in an alloy of lead and tin and will not break easily. It must be prepared before imbibing. It weighs 4 oz.
The effects lasts for 12 pulses. For that period, the imbiber can decide which of their percentile dice are the tens and which are the units. For example, if 91 were rolled it could be read as 19 instead.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
Harvest of the Planes Winter 819 Perfidious Albion Previously living Fortune 8,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376
From the ships out of Djibouti!
  1. 21 Barrels of Hydrargyrum
  2. 12 Potions of combination Rank 20 Trollskin/20pt healing
  3. Wand of Rank 20 Enchanted Weapon w 12 charges

Wrath of at least 3 other intended recipients of the Hydragum - namely in Cape Verde Islands Jacamo de Cresenti (aka the eye of dispair), merchants in the Spice Islands and Bahrain.

Rabbi Loewe's Golem

The clasps of this 10 lb leather bound book are made of orichalcum and they are locked.
The contents of the book reveal how an Alchemist can make the Great Golem of Prague, a masterwork of Rank 9.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.?? GM
Harvest of the Planes Winter 819wk Tanuel Formerly living Alchemy Quest px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Items from Meeting the Lord of Wands or items purchased

Loot, Purchases and Expenses
Item Qty Effects Ar Ne Ke Se Ki Er X1 X2 X
Blank Phylacteries
Plover Stones
Pentecost Potions
Tincture of Aconite and Passionflower *
Gained from the Lord of Wands Deck at his house in the Lands of Chaos Defeat Enemy, Gems, also see below.
Stats 2 Within racial limits #N/A #N/A MD+2 AG+2 #N/A MD+2 #N/A #N/A
Ally Enhance an Ally or granted a Knight #N/A #N/A Yes Yes #N/A Yes #N/A #N/A
Dilemma #N/A #N/A Yes Yes #N/A Yes #N/A #N/A
Avoid Fate #N/A #N/A Yes Yes #N/A Yes #N/A #N/A
Treasure map #N/A #N/A Yes Yes #N/A Yes #N/A #N/A
xxx #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
Misc Magic Weapon #N/A #N/A Yes Yes #N/A Yes #N/A #N/A
Misc Magic Item #N/A #N/A Yes Yes #N/A Yes #N/A #N/A
50,000sp? #N/A #N/A Yes Yes #N/A Yes #N/A #N/A
xx #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
xx #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A


Autumn 819wk: Fruit (4)
Moonday Duesday W'ansday Th'rsday Frysday Reapsday Sunday
Lugnasad 1 Guild Meeting 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 1 2 3 4
Autumn 819wk: Harvest (5)
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 Equinox 16 17 18
19 Harvest Moon .. 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 1 2
Autumn 819wk: Vintage (6)
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 Blood Moon 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Beerfest

Awards & Nominations

  • Jamiest B - Eric for his Dwarven device/mixture getting on the evil messages that had an 80% chance to save and 4 out of 5 failed the save. This reduced the number of nasty demons that the nasty, despicable scrote Blackrod could 'summon' to his aid.

List of Tasks to do

To investigate events in

  1. Victoria (London, Paris and Venice)
  2. Nualis (Axxumite Empire, Meroe & the Rift Valley)
  3. Reich (Munich & New Edo)
  4. Tanuel (the Lands of Chaos & the Keep of Faces


  • The Evil Dr Mesmer has been active on Nualis and New Terra
  • The Lord of Dark Earth has been detected in Hell (the City of Seven Walls) and the area around Aeaea on Tanuel.
  • The Lord of Iron has also been identified in Hell, and reports from The Lord of Intrigues suggest he has been importing military grade Helltech into Rabat on Sparlainth. According to Wu Hsin, there is no nexus at or near Rabat, so either Ruach has made a new one or found one that had been lost some unimaginable time in the past. Or he's using someone else's that is at this time unknown to all'