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1200sp each (100gold)
1200sp each (100gold)
==Scribe Notes==
'''Chapter 1 – Meeting the Parents'''
We meet in guild room three by a very well-dressed Lunar empire man who greats me in Fluent Giant. We are informed that a Vineyard has gone missing. Now not missing the terms of the ground has up been removed not that I would be surprised in Alusia if that had happened. More in the terms of the people in charge of the Vineyard have stopped reporting back and the messenger they sent to investigate hasn’t returned. We learn that our employer is one Lucius Sulis, Uncle of Minerva Sulis, Guild member. Minerva was going to accompany us to Tycho where her parents villa is before returning to the guild for training. <br>
After our briefing we did introductions and our guild required paperwork. The party consists of:<br>
Serpah – Namer and fighter<br>
Angus – Namer and fighter<br>
Malga – Rune and Warrior<br>
Vixen – Fire and Mage/fighter. Also designated party leader<br>
Grimmuck – Fire and Mage<br>
Rhian – Ice and Mage/Fighter. Also, Party’s Primary Military Scientist.<br>
Uthgard – Warrior. Party’s Scribe and Secondary Military Scientist<br>
With this we went and got ready to go on adventure, getting lessers from Basalic very kindly done as Rhian was his child. With all other prep done we settled down to meet Minerva at the portal to Tycho in the morning.<br>
In the morning we did some short prep in spells before traveling through the portal losing all our Fatigue. A carriage is waiting for us the other side to take us to Sulis Villa where we are treated to Breakfast, a rest and late lunch. After Lunch we were treated with new Clothes to make us identifiable as associates or hired mercenaries of the Sulis house and bathes before dinner with Prima Lydia and Primus Julius, Minerva’s parents.<br>
They are loaning us a Mage to get up to where the Vineyards are. Onesimus is a Water Monger about to be made a freeman if he does well with aiding us. Along with this we are given greater’s (Rk 10) from another one of their mages and a potion each which gives us Fluency in Giant and Lunar (Rk 6) till the end of the season with retainment of very basic understanding afterwards (Rk 0).<br>

Revision as of 05:02, 26 September 2020

Scribe Notes


Adventure: One of Our Vineyards is Missing
GM: Jacqui
Session: Spring 820
Night: Tuesdays
Location: Smiths
Level: Mediumish


  • Rhiain - Cryomancer, Female human - played by Chris
  • Malgla - Rune mage, Male human - played by Sam
  • Seraph - Namer, Male human - played by Connor
  • Grim - Pyromancer, Male Orc - played by Beth
  • Uthgard - Mind Sorceress/Warrior, Female Hill Giant - played by Anne
  • Vixen - Pyromancer - Female Elf played by Kita
  • Angus - Namer/Maimer, Male human - played by Keith


Minerva's Uncle

1200sp each (100gold)

Scribe Notes

Chapter 1 – Meeting the Parents

We meet in guild room three by a very well-dressed Lunar empire man who greats me in Fluent Giant. We are informed that a Vineyard has gone missing. Now not missing the terms of the ground has up been removed not that I would be surprised in Alusia if that had happened. More in the terms of the people in charge of the Vineyard have stopped reporting back and the messenger they sent to investigate hasn’t returned. We learn that our employer is one Lucius Sulis, Uncle of Minerva Sulis, Guild member. Minerva was going to accompany us to Tycho where her parents villa is before returning to the guild for training.

After our briefing we did introductions and our guild required paperwork. The party consists of:
Serpah – Namer and fighter
Angus – Namer and fighter
Malga – Rune and Warrior
Vixen – Fire and Mage/fighter. Also designated party leader
Grimmuck – Fire and Mage
Rhian – Ice and Mage/Fighter. Also, Party’s Primary Military Scientist.
Uthgard – Warrior. Party’s Scribe and Secondary Military Scientist

With this we went and got ready to go on adventure, getting lessers from Basalic very kindly done as Rhian was his child. With all other prep done we settled down to meet Minerva at the portal to Tycho in the morning.

In the morning we did some short prep in spells before traveling through the portal losing all our Fatigue. A carriage is waiting for us the other side to take us to Sulis Villa where we are treated to Breakfast, a rest and late lunch. After Lunch we were treated with new Clothes to make us identifiable as associates or hired mercenaries of the Sulis house and bathes before dinner with Prima Lydia and Primus Julius, Minerva’s parents.

They are loaning us a Mage to get up to where the Vineyards are. Onesimus is a Water Monger about to be made a freeman if he does well with aiding us. Along with this we are given greater’s (Rk 10) from another one of their mages and a potion each which gives us Fluency in Giant and Lunar (Rk 6) till the end of the season with retainment of very basic understanding afterwards (Rk 0).