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Natural Habitat
1-20 (1)
Great Eagles are the largest of the birds of prey. They have a wingspan of 7 feet when full grown. Their feathers are gray except around neck and head (which is white).
Eagles avoid humans except to occasionally steal goats or other small animals from human flocks. They will sometimes attack a party that ventures too near their nest.
Eagles have no special talents or skills. They are not magic users and do not use tools. They do have keen eyesight.
Movement Rates
Flying: 1200
PS: 12-16 MD: 22-24 AG: 19-23 MA: None EN: 9-12 FT: 17-20
WP: 11-13 PC: 20-24 PB: 10-12 TMR: 24 NA: Feathers absorb 2 DP
Eagles may attack with beak or two talons without penalty. They will Charge and Close from hundreds of feet above without warning.
Beak: BC 50%, [D - 1], Close, Rank 1-3.
Talons: BC 70%, [D + 1], Close, Rank 1-2.


Natural Habitat
Anywhere (except Arctic)
1-2 (1)
Goshawks are the largest of the hawks. They are almost 2 ½ feet in length. The feathers of a goshawk are primarily brown, although the belly is pure white and some of the tail feathers are black. The sharp beak and claws are black.
Like the other birds of prey, the goshawk can be trained to serve man in captivity. It will bring 700-1200 Silver Pennies as a Trained hunter. Other types of hawks and falcons will have characteristics 1-2 less than the goshawk, will fly at speeds of 100-200 yards per minute less, and will have a value of 200-300 fewer Silver Pennies. They will otherwise be similar.
Other than their excellent eyesight, goshawks have no special talents, skills, or magical abilities and are not tool users.
Movement Rates
Flying: 1100
PS: 4-6 MD: 18-20 AG: 20-22 MA: None EN: 6-7 FT: 9-11
WP: 8-10 PC: 20-21 PB: 10-12 TMR: 22 NA: Feathers absorb 1 DP
A goshawk may attack with beak and two talons without penalty. They will Charge and Close from hundreds of feet above without warning.
Beak: BC 65%, [D - 4], Close.
Talons: BC 80%, [D - 3], Close.


Natural Habitat
Rural, Woods
1-6 (1)
Owls can be of several types, but in general they are between one and two feet in length. Colouring varies, but brown feathers speckled with grey is a common coloration. Owls' eyes are both on the front of the head, unlike most birds, and they tend to have large, dark rings around the eyes.
Owls are primarily nocturnal predators, hunting small mammals as well as birds. They are said to understand human speech and to be friendly to man, often providing travellers with valuable information.
Owls see well in the dark and have excellent hearing. They have no magical abilities, skills or talents and are not tool users. They have incredible stealth and can glide without sound.
Movement Rates
Flying: 600
PS: 3-4 MD: 18-20 AG: 22-24 MA: None EN: 3-4 FT: 5-7
WP: 7-9 PC: 20-22 PB: 9-11 TMR: 12 NA: Feathers absorb 1 DP
Owls may attack with beak and two talons without penalty.
Beak: BC 55%, [D - 6], Close.
Talons: BC 50%, [D - 7], Close.


Natural Habitat
Highlands, Plains, Waste
1-60 (15)
Ravens are large black birds, standing two foot high, with a 5 foot wingspan..
Unlike raptors, they will band together and mob other birds, commonly driving other predators including their great rival, the eagle, away from their territory. Ravens are not afraid of humans, and can be made pets. They like shiny baubles and sometimes collect small metal objects in their nests. They can be trained to speak a few words. Ravens are often used by evil forces as scouts.
Ravens have no special talents or skills. They are not magic users and do not use tools.
Movement Rates
Flying: 800
PS: 6-9 MD: 18-20 AG: 17-19 MA: None EN: 6-9 FT: 12-14
WP: 15-17 PC: 16-20 PB: 8-10 TMR: 16 NA: Feathers absorb 2 DP
Ravens may attack with beak or two talons without penalty. They will Close in great numbers, or attack the eyes if alone.
Beak: BC 45%, [D - 3], Close, Rank 0.
Talons: BC 75%, [D - 2], Close, Rank 1-4.


Natural Habitat
Highlands, Plains, Waste
1-60 (10)
These birds have dark brown plumage and thin, featherless necks of a beige colour. Their beaks are black and snub-tipped. They prey on the dead and near dead (especially if unconscious).
Vultures can see each other miles away, and thus when one vulture descends for a meal, others soon follow. Except for their keen eyesight, vultures possess no special talents, skills or magic. They are not tool users.
Movement Rates
Flying: 600
PS: 3-5 MD: 15-17 AG: 14-16 MA: None EN: 6-7 FT: 9-11
WP: 8-10 PC: 17-20 PB: 8-10 TMR: 12 NA: Feathers absorb 1 DP
A vulture may attack with its claws and beak.
Claws: BC 45%, [D - 5], Close, Rank 0.
Bite: BC 40%, [D - 6], Close, Rank 0.