Accepted Weaponsmith Proposals

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P140 "An item made of silvered metal costs 10 times the normal cost for the item made simply of cold iron. A gilded item will cost 120 times the normal cost for the item made of cold iron alone. Truesilver will cost 180 times the cost of the item made from cold iron alone. The cost of silvering or gilding is added to the base cost of the weaponsmithed item so that the cost of a silvered sword is Base Cost x (80% x (effective Rank + 1 + DM) + 10) silver pennies."

(a) The textual and numerical description of the equation dont match
(b) The equation is presented in manner that obfuscates it meaning.


(a) Example:

Where BC = 10, Rank = 0, DM = 0

The silver cost => 10x(0.80x(0+1+0)+10) = 108 the value should actually be 80. The +10 should instead be x10.

(b) The equation should be written in a more intuitive manner that matches the text.

The text states '10 times the normal cost' where normal cost is "Base Cost x 80% x (effective Rank + 1 + DM)". Write the equation as "10 x Base Cost x 80% x (effective Rank + 1 + DM)"

P140 "An item made of silvered metal costs 10 times the normal cost for the item made simply of cold iron. A gilded item will cost 120 times the normal cost for the item made of cold iron alone. Truesilver will cost 180 times the cost of the item made from cold iron alone. The cost of silvering or gilding is added to the base cost of the weaponsmithed item so that the cost of a silvered sword is 10 x Base Cost x 80% x (effective Rank + 1 + DM) silver pennies."


P160 "For every rank that a Weaponsmith has beyond the effective rank of the of the weapon, they reduce the time required, as given above, y 5%. For example, a Rank 8 weaponsmith churns out a Rank 0 weapon in only 6 hours; or produces a +1 Damage sword, no BC modifier, in 54 hours rather than 60."


The example is incorrect


Calculation: Rank 8 Weaponsmith. Rank required to add +1DM is 5.

Base time => 10x(5+1) = 60 Discount => (8-5)x5% = 15% Discounted time => 60 - 15% = 51.

"For example, a Rank 8 weaponsmith .... or produces a +1 Damage sword, no BC modifier, in 51 hours rather than 60."