Winter Games - Character Notes

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This page is for any player to add notes, quotes, anecdotes, and any other in character contributions about the Winter Games. Some of this will be treated as contributions to the Seagate Times article on the companion page. Eventually this page will become the Scribe Notes for the Games.

Session 1

Arrived at the Lunar Empire where the teams were reshuffled as follows:

  1. 'Splat!': Eric (leader), Drum (MS), Human, Basalic, Nicola
  2. 'Flashing Blades': Aryan (leader), Sabrina (Mil Sci), Starflower, Tehe, Boulder
  3. Toledo's Amazon's: Thorn, Lizette, Mehb, Mordrin, Toledo

'Splat!' was first up against the Sword World Confederation and lost. Two of the team were felled immediately by Knockout Gas while the rest fought valiently on but discovered that they were outclassed. They soon found out what an 'Oblique Splinge' does - i,e, remove buff spells.

'The Flashing Blades' won against the ogre team and qualified.

'Toledo's Amazon's' won against the Were-Trolls and qualified.

The second round of qualifications saw 'Splat!' up against the ogres. 'Splat!' managed to win but it was a tough fight which saw Basalic with a broken shoulder, Human blown up with a Whitefire and Nicola decapitated. Fortunately there was a Guild Master Healer present who was able to fix them. Also, during that match, what appeared to be a burning person was thrown on to the field, however when examined, turned out not to be a person, and then shortly afterwards exploded. Fortunately no one was standing nearby.

'The Flashing Blades', after a protracted struggle, were forced to declare defeat at the hands of the Sword World Confederation. During this it was observed that Starflower was used as a battering ram. We understand she was not very happy with this tactic.


Starflower to Lizette after Lizette wanted to take on the Sword World Confederation after they had defeated two Guild Teams - "You're bananas .. no you're a coconut .. correction you're the most ridiculous fruit that the Gods had dared place upon Alusia"

Session 2


Starflower after seeing the team from the Tac Adventurer's Guild during the Grand Parade. They had a mist above their team which rained down gold coins. "That is so Tac-ky"

Session 4

A Calimarian Void Cruiser was observed hovering above Lunar City and firing its weapons into the Arena in an attempt to take out Sabrina. Many of the crowd were killed in the attack but it is reported that Sabrina survived the barrage.

That afternoon during the match with Tehe's Team and the Southhaven Academy for Girls, the released troll was attacked by the archers. This enraged the troll so it rampaged through the crowd. The body count is currently unknown.

Session 5

Riots Mar Games

During the third day of the Gladitorial Trials, there was rioting in the streets as outraged fans stormed two of the arenas as well as besieging several senastorial mansions. The riot was only quelled by the intervention of a rather large hailstorm. It is currently not known exactly what triggered the riots although speculation is rife that it was started by fanatical supporters of the Gladitorial Team who were upset at yesterday's surprise defeat of their team by one of the visiting Seagate Adventurer teams.

During the riots, one of the arenas was extensively damaged and a troll was let loose. The death toll, at this stage, is unknoem, but it could number well into the hundreda. The Imperial Guard are currently investigating.

Because of the riots and subsequent hailstorm, the final round of the elimination matches has been postponed until tomorrow.


Eric to Boulder: "You can't stop Lizatte from doing something stupid. It's her natural born right"