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Natural Habitat
1-100 (2)
Baboons are medium-sized apes, usually no more than 4 feet tall, and 120 pounds in weight. They are characterised by their large heads and long sharp fangs. Baboons generally have light brown fur, but may have brightly coloured (orange, blue, purple or red) faces and/or rumps.
Baboons tend to be vicious and unpredictable, attacking without warning. They are tribal in nature and do not fear men when with the rest of the tribe. They can sometimes be assuaged by food (usually meat).
Baboons possess no special talents or skills. They are neither magic users nor tool users and are only semi-intelligent.
Movement Rates
Running: 350
PS: 12-18 MD: 16-20 AG: 18-22 MA: None EN: 6-10 FT: 10-15
WP: 7-9 PC: 17-21 PB: 6-9 TMR: 7 NA: Fur absorbs 2 DP
Baboons cannot attack except in Close Combat. They will swarm over their victim, using their bite to kill by increasing blood loss.
Bite: BC 65%, [D + 4], Close, Rank 0.