The Lady Vanishes - Ronon's Award

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Return to Award Disposition
Ronon returns to the Guild on ---- 812 WK with Experience and has earnt, after Guild Taxes
he spent 112 days away from the Guild, and has used 38 training days on the adventure.

he may
advance any Talent 11 Ranks.
advance his Rank in Stealth by 1 at only 90% of the cost and no time.
advance his Rank in Climbing by 1 at only 90% of the cost and no time.
advance his Rank in Ricochet by 1 at only 90% of the cost and no time.
he has been immersed in these languages
Volksprach - 39 days
Songla - 7 days
Thari - 21 days

he may include the time associated with each language as part of his training time.



Rainbow Potion

This potion weighs 4 oz, and if it is attached close at hand, e.g. on a belt, it may be drunk as a Free Act.
Whoever drinks it has 2 rollup D10 points of health restored, EN first, wrapping to FT. This will restore FT lost to spell casting or tiredness
If Thaeuss or Serra Angelus apply the contents to the site of a Specific Grievous Injury, then, in addition to the health restored, the wound will be treated as if by (and taking exactly the same amount of time as) a Rank 10 Healer.

    4         3         2         1    
Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Magical Integrity 1,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376


This bottle is fragile but if it is on a belt or otherwise easily accessible, the potion can be drunk without requiring a Prepare Action. It encumbers as if it weighed 4 oz.
Whoever drinks Jazz gains an extra Action at their normal Initiative Value + 20. However, their EN value is halved. Four Pulses after taking it, the Jazz effect will wear off, at which point their EN loss may be cured.
Taking two potions of Jazz does not give the imbiber 2 extra Actions a Pulse. Instead, the duration queues, while EN value is halved yet again. In other words, if Tsayoi were to take Jazz in Pulse 1, in Pulse 2 he would have 2 Actions and his EN value (25), is reduced to 13. His second Action in Pulse 3 is to take yet more Jazz (meaning that it will wear off in Pulse 9, not Pulse 5) and now his EN value is reduced to 7. Note that EN value is affected, so any attempt to restore it will either fail or cause the Jazz effect to dissipate.
Although the imbiber may benefit from the effects of a Strength of Stone spell before they take Jazz, they are no longer a legal target for this spell until the Jazz effect has worn off.
When Jazz has worn off, the imbiber's maximum EN value is restored but not their EN value. To continue the example with Tsayoi, he will have to be restored of 18 points (to take him from 7 to 25) before his EN value is fully recovered.

    4         3         2         1    
Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Magical Enhancement 1,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376


This bottle is sturdy and, if it is on a belt or otherwise easily accessible, requires but a Free Action to use. Otherwise, the DM must determine how many Prepare Actions must be spent before it can be used. It encumbers as if it weighed 4 oz.
When the seal is broken beneath someone's nose, they automatically and immediately recover from being Stunned or waken from any effect (magical or otherwise) that causes them to sleep or lose consciousness, except that caused by a Major Curse. This includes Enchanted Sleep, Hypnotism, Mental Attack, Hibernation, Petit Mort, Knockout Gas, Backfire effects and similar magic.
It does not rouse the dead.

    4         3         2         1    
Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Magical Restoration 1,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376


This bottle is fragile and if it is on a belt or otherwise easily accessible, does not require a Prepare Action to use. It encumbers as if it weighed 4 oz.
The contents of this bottle work by contact, and need only be dashed onto exposed skin to work. Anyone so treated will recover 1 point of EN per Pulse if their EN is negative. The effect lasts for 6 Pulses. Multiple applications of Blue will stack, but will never, by themselves, restore EN to greater than zero.
Note: Entities who are alive but whose EN is negative lose 1 point of FT per Pulse until FT is exhausted, whereupon they lose 1 point of EN per Pulse. Blue has no effect on FT loss.

    4         3         2         1    
Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Magical Restoration 500sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Angelblood Potion

This potion weighs 4 oz, and if it is attached close at hand, e.g. on a belt, it may be drunk as a Free Act.
Whoever drinks it has 40 points of health restored, EN first, wrapping to FT (but not tiredness or spell FT) and for the remainder of that Pulse are immune to all damage.
If more of these potions are drunk within 4 Pulses of the first, the subsequent ones will have no effect at all.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Avatar Restoration 2,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Oil of Timelessness

This potion weighs 4 oz. It may be opened and closed without diminishing it's efficacy.
The bottle contains enough oil for 1 application, where Elves, Orcs, Dwarfs and Humans require 1, Hobbits require ½ and Giants require at least 2 to cover themselves. Once covered, the first 50 Ranks of magic that Slows or Stops the passing of time are ignored.
Thus, if an entity protected by this oil is the target of a Rank 15 Slowness spell, they ignore the magic and reduce the amount of protection from 50 to 35. If they successfully Resist the spell, they reduce the protection from 50 to 43.
Once applied, the oil will lose its mystical properties on the occasion of the next midnight.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Avatar Eternal 1,500sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376


Force of Will Charm

This scrap of parchment weighs ¼ lb and contains three charges of the Force of Will Charm. It does not need to be read out, in fact the phrase must be memorised and uttered once a Pulse for 3 Pulses. Each utterance will require a Free Act. The parchment itself might be kept in the owner's backpack, or even at home and it may not be uttered again until after the next dawn .
When the charm is spoken aloud for the third time, the number of charges is reduced by 1 wherever they are. The phrase must be spoken by the character's player in a clear voice without hesitation, stumbling or unnecessary pause. The phrase is:
'By the strength of my will and the power of my Art!'
It will not work for anyone who is not an Adept. If it does work, it surrounds them in an immobile dome of force 15 ft across that will absorb 10 x their base WP damage from any source before failing. Bonuses from magic and items are added after the multiplication.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Formerly living Charm 4,500sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Invested Items

Bubble of Force

Range: 11 feet
Duration: 140 minutes
Base Chance: 64%
Resist: Passive
Target: Area
This river-smoothed stone contains an invested charge of the spell, Bubble of Force. The spell causes an iridescent bubble of force to appear. The substance of the bubble prevents the occupant(s) from interacting with the world outside the bubble other than by sight and sound. The bubble is transparent to low levels of light and sound, but it prevents damaging levels of either passing through it. The bubble is impervious from both sides. It also absorbs physical damage, including that caused by falling. The bubble is impenetrable to magic - it may not be targeted through, and area effects will not pass through the bubble. Inside, it provides a stable, warm and dry environment, with fresh air to breathe. The surface of the bubble is hard to the touch. The bubble may be rolled on a solid surface by an entity within it, by entities outside, or by a very strong wind or similar physical force. It will float on water or mud, lava and similar semi-solid substances, and may be carried by wind or current. The bubble is 5' in diameter (one hex). All the bubble must appear within range. The bubble may enclose any entities and objects completely within the target hexes, if they fail to resist.
Successful resistance will cause the entity to be gently pushed aside by the bubble. If the spell is cast in a gas, the gas is displaced outside the bubble. If cast in a liquid, the liquid is displaced, and the bubble will bob to the surface. The spell may not be cast inside a solid substance, or where there is insufficient room for the bubble to form without having to displace an immovable solid. Thus the whole sphere will always appear above ground. The bubble may be dissipated by anyone casting a Binder Special Knowledge Counterspell of at least equal Rank.
The Base Chance on the spell is modified by the Caster's MA, WP and Enchantment, not the one who triggers it

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Magical Binding & Animating 1350sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Mind Blast

Range: 50 ft
Duration: Special
Base Chance: 64%, WP: 23
Resist: Passive
Target: Entity
Effects:This rounded riverstone contains a invested charge of an incantation of Mental Attack. When it is triggered, it fills a volume that is 12 ft wide, 50 ft long which emanates from the stone. Entities in the area are not knocked unconscious, but any who fail to Resist find themselves confused and disorganised, and may not act until they have spent 3 Pass Actions. The incantation is still a Mental Attack, so Mind Shield provides the usual bonus.
If victims of this effect are attacked even if no damage is done, then they may Break 100: PC + WP + Sense Danger to recover their senses.
The Base Chance on the spell is modified by the Caster's MA, WP and Enchantment, not the one who triggers it.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Magical Sorceries of the Mind 2,450sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Mind Blast

Range: 50 ft
Duration: Special
Base Chance: 64%, WP: 23
Resist: Passive
Target: Entity
Effects:This rounded riverstone contains a invested charge of an incantation of Mental Attack. When it is triggered, it fills a volume that is 12 ft wide, 50 ft long which emanates from the stone. Entities in the area are not knocked unconscious, but any who fail to Resist find themselves confused and disorganised, and may not act until they have spent 3 Pass Actions. The incantation is still a Mental Attack, so Mind Shield provides the usual bonus.
If victims of this effect are attacked even if no damage is done, then they may Break 100: PC + WP + Sense Danger to recover their senses.
The Base Chance on the spell is modified by the Caster's MA, WP and Enchantment, not the one who triggers it.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Magical Sorceries of the Mind 2,450sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Instant Golem

Range: 60 feet
Duration: 55 minutes
Base Chance: 91%
Resist: None
Target: Object(s)
This river-smoothed stone contains an invested charge of the spell, Instant Golem. This spell is cast to produce a Stone golem from materials within their range.
If a sufficient quantity of materials is not within range, the spell will automatically fail.
When triggered the materials within range will animate and draw together at the point where the majority of the materials are coming from. A golem will form in 10 seconds. In the pulse after it has finished forming the golem will be ready to carry out its master's commands.
The effective rank of the golem is 11.

12' Stone Golem
PS: 53 MD: 18 AG: 16 MA: None EN: 28 FT: 30
WP: 20 PC: 10 PB: 18 TMR: 7 NA: 6
It may attack with one hand/foot (unarmed) OR the stone Giant Axe formed as part of its right arm. NB Golems do not make special attacks such as double-strike or multi-hex strike. At 0 EN they de-animate. Stone Golems are noisy.
Hand/Kick: IV: 32, BC: 112%, [D - 4]+13, Melee & Close, Rank 6.
Giant Axe: IV: 32, BC: 108%, D+14, Melee, Rank 6.

The duration of the golem is the duration of this spell. At the end of the duration the golem will collapse and its component materials will re-animate and attempt to return to their previous location and state.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Magical Binding & Animating 2000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Wall of Dust and Sand

Range: 90 feet
Duration: 80 minutes
Base Chance: 72%
Resist: None
Target: Area
This river-smoothed stone contains an invested charge of the spell, Wall of Dust and Sand. This spell summons and binds together particles of dust and sand to create a wall with the strength and solidity of sandstone. The wall may be 15' tall 20' long 1' thick; or a ring 10' high with a 10' diameter; or a pillar 15' high with a 4' diameter. The Adept may increase any dimension by 1' / Rank.
The Adept determines the position and orientation of the Wall, but at least one edge must be affixed to a solid surface. The fixed edge of the wall will bind fast to the adjacent surface, and can support the rest of the wall. Any entity that is in the area of the wall when it is cast will be ejected to the closest point outside the wall - if this is impossible, the wall will not appear.
The wall may be destroyed by inflicting 100 points of damage, or a 5' x 5' x 5' hole may be caused by inflicting 50 points of damage.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Magical Binding & Animating 525sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Wall of Dust and Sand

Range: 90 feet
Duration: 80 minutes
Base Chance: 72%
Resist: None
Target: Area
This river-smoothed stone contains an invested charge of the spell, Wall of Dust and Sand. This spell summons and binds together particles of dust and sand to create a wall with the strength and solidity of sandstone. The wall may be 15' tall 20' long 1' thick; or a ring 10' high with a 10' diameter; or a pillar 15' high with a 4' diameter. The Adept may increase any dimension by 1' / Rank.
The Adept determines the position and orientation of the Wall, but at least one edge must be affixed to a solid surface. The fixed edge of the wall will bind fast to the adjacent surface, and can support the rest of the wall. Any entity that is in the area of the wall when it is cast will be ejected to the closest point outside the wall - if this is impossible, the wall will not appear.
The wall may be destroyed by inflicting 100 points of damage, or a 5' x 5' x 5' hole may be caused by inflicting 50 points of damage.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Magical Binding & Animating 525sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Invested Weapon of Flames

Range: 40 ft
Duration: 12 minutes
Base Chance: 61%
Resist: Passive
Target: Weapon
Effects:This rounded river stone contains a charge of Weapon of Flames. When it is triggered on a weapon within range, it will burst into flames without causing harm to it or its wielder. The Strike Chance is increased by 8 and damage is increased by 4. Against entities which are creatures of cold or water, or against the Undead, damage increases to +7. A missile may be a target of this spell, but not a missile thrower, i.e. an arrow is a legal target, but not a bow.
The Base Chance on the spell is modified by the Caster's MA, fire bonuses and Enchantment, not the one who triggers it.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Magical Fire 1,750sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376





Seraph's Wing Carpet

This carpet is made from a seraph's wing. It is about a metre and a half wide by 2 metres long, weighing about 12 lbs.
The Adept must sit upon the carpet when they Purify. When they complete the Ritual, the carpet itself will disappear (and no longer count against their encumbrance). If they have at least 3 hours duration remaining on their Purification, they may activate the carpet. From this point on, their feet will be surrounded by an iridescent blue-green nimbus and they will leave faintly glowing footprints of their passing, the glow fading after a minute or so. Activating the carpet requires a Magical Pass Action, a point of FT and 3 hours of the duration of the Adept's Purification. While they continue to spend 3 hours of duration and 1 point of FT, they may 'tread the path of a seraph' for an hour at a time.
By adjusting their relationship with the plane they are on and those adjacent to it, the Adept may increase their TMR +1 per 5 Ranks in Purification. This will not stack with any other TMR enhancement. They may increase their movement rate to 440 yards (15 miles/hour), plus 30 yards (1 mile/hour) per Rank in Purification.
By continuously folding themselves into and out of a vaguely two-dimensional form, they may walk on air. They must advance along their narrowest axis, and this has the following implications:

  • They may rise no more than one hex for every two that they travel horizontally (30 degree rate of climb). They can descend one hex for every hex traveled horizontally (45 degree rate of descent).
  • While folding, the Adept's field of view is much more planar. In general, it means that they have difficulty seeing things above or below them (or to the left or right if they turn their head) which are less than seven hexes away.
  • They are much more fragile whilst folding. If there is a chance that they will be snagged by a terrain feature, then a Strike Check (Strike Chance - Folding Chance) should be made. If this is successful, the obstruction is avoided but may still cause harm as a result of the stresses involved in getting out of harm's way. The damage from being snagged is a function of speed, according to this formula: Damage = 3 x v(Adept's speed in miles per hour). The effects of being snagged or struck are resolved in the following way. Misses are considered FT blows, successful strikes are considered hits directly to EN. Hits directly to EN are considered possible Specific Grievous Injuries. If the Check falls in the range of a possible Specific Grievous Injury, two rolls are made. Damage is only applied if a B class Specific Grievous Injury is rolled. The Adept ignores all damage if the roll(s) fall in the range for A or C class injuries.
  • The Adept's form folds through planes that reduce their ability to avoid damage from heat or cold, and increases it versus lightning and electrical effects, as well as magic that attacks their internal structure, like Necrosis, Disruption, Hand of Death, etc. Thus, they may completely avoid harm from this kind magic on a successful MR check. However, their MR versus magic that heats, burns, freezes or chills is halved and the damage is doubled. Where Magic Resistance is reduced by the magic (e.g. minus 20 MR as a result of a triple effect), the halving occurs before the subtraction.

Although this form of movement might reasonably be called Flight, it does not benefit from the Adventuring Skill: Flying. The Adept, instead, must advance a new Adventuring Skill Folding: Experience Multiple: 125, Base Chance: WP + PC + 5 x Rank-speed in miles per hour. Each Rank in Folding increases movement rate by another 30 yards (1 mile/hour).

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 The Abyss Formerly living Seraphim 11,450sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Telekinesis Wand

This wand of horn is 30 cms long and weighs ¼ lb.
The wand changes the way the duration of the Telekinesis spell is determined so that there is no Concentration component.
An object that weighs 2 lbs or less may be moved telekinetically for 10 seconds (+10 seconds per Rank). For every 5 extra lbs that the Adept wishes to move, the duration is reduced by 10 seconds.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Magical Enhancement 8,750sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Library Chair

This wooden chair is 32 inches high, 28 inches wide and 22 inches deep. It weighs 15 lbs.
It will cleanse the occupant's mind of the effects of Hypnotism, Enchanted Sleep, Compelling Obedience, Mental Attack, Fear, Charm, Control Entity, Domination, Suggestion, Hallucination and other spells that affect the workings of the mind or personality. For each minute that the occupant sits in the chair, spell by spell, the Rank will be reduced by 1. When the Rank falls below zero it will be entirely dissipated. The order of this reduction is by ascending order of Experience Multiple (i.e. Hypnotism will be reduced before Compelling Obedience).
Whoever sits in the chair is protected as if by a Mind Shield of Rank 6.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Reich Formerly living Psionics 11,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376


Mind Shield - Minor AoE

Name: Minor Area of Effect
Spell: Mind Shield, Mind Cloak or similar magic
Effects: All legal targets that share the caster's megahex at the time of casting benefit from Mind Shield for the duration of the spell

Cost: 500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell.
This incantation is not teachable.

Adventure Season Value GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Quest px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Control Person - Dominate Will

Spell: Control Person
Effects: When the Adept casts this incantation of Control Person, the target must be conscious, and the duration becomes 1 hour + 1 hour per Rank. The victim is compelled to obey the Adept as if they had been subjected to a Ritual of Binding Will.
Victims of this spell are never in any doubt that they have been controlled, and if they were not hostile before, they will almost certainly be afterwards.
Cost: 3000
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.

Adventure Season Value GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Quest px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Hypnotism - Suggestion

Name: Suggestion
Spell: Hypnotism
Effects: This incantation of Hypnotism allows the Adept to target and make a single Suggestion verbally or by means of the Telepathy spell. If Telepathy is used, the projection of the Suggestion is entirely mental, and the Adept need not meet their victim's gaze nor speak their language.
The Suggestion is implanted at the time of Casting, and the duration is Immediate, although its effects may last for 3 hours (+3 hours per Rank).
Note: Because of the indirect nature of this magic, the DM may rule that hostile targets may be affected by this incantation.
Cost: 3000
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.

Adventure Season Value GM
The Lady Vanishes Autumn 812 Quest px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376