Val estate

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Count of Borderlay Manor

Val estate ruins

Given your recent gift (of 100,000 SP) to the Count, the Count of Borderlay has invested Lady Callas Verdicini and Verdicini family of her line with the ruin estates of Val a 4,600 acres holdings outside the small Valyere town in northeast Borderlay close to County of Borovia border, about 5 miles away from the edge of the local forts.
As of Blossom 817 WK - your estates have 135 families living there at this time.
Rumours of missing locals, underground ruins and dungeon, persist to this day. Retaining staff members is said to be hard because of the ghosts.
The house comes with; four stories being basement, ground, first floor, & attic. The six staff members have bedrooms in the attic level. All of the stable hands and groundsmen and woodcutter have a small cottage in the lower garden.
The manor house is large but old with two ruined mills and six bridges which have been knocked out since the Drow took Borovia.
The area is rich in food and has a copper mine in the hills to the north and same rumours of Faye living in a wood that locals call the Enchanted Woods.


Heat 818 WK
Lady Callas Verdicini appoints Nicolas Fairybottom Esq. Ruined mill road, as Reeve of Val Estate.

Blossom 817 WK
~200 tradesmen and labourers from Carzala turn up and start work to fix the place up, along with ~200 local people.

Blossom 817 WK
Some of your locals all dressed in the best Sunday clothes with children in tow come to see you. They are led by a hands-on young man who speaks very well. His name is Nicolas. He has clearly spent a few years at court.

Dear Lady,
We are interested in helping you settle in a prosperous area but the lands here have been let go for many years. We are happy to help rebuild your lands.
We have a number of suggestions for your consideration -
We are interested in returning to the old ways and wish for you to organise a Wicca to bless the fields and livestock.
We are interested in you putting in a total of 6 wells.
We would like a watermill and would need work done to create a large pond or small lake to make sure it can work year around.
We would like you to rebuild 45 tenant homes. The current ones are cold and leaky.
Please pay for an earth made to come and tunnel out some bad rocks & stumps on the main fields and replace the 4 wooden ploughs with new steel plough blades and get new healthy teams of bullocks for pulling them.
We would like you to clear the goblins from the forest and allow hunting.
We would like the 6 ruined stone brothers replaced or fixed.
We would like a master rank healer to visit twice a year and pay for a rank 6 healer to be a move in by giving them a stipend of 1,200 sp per year and house.
We would like you to host a fair once a year and attract a troupe of entertainers to visit for 2 weeks once a year.
We would like you to build a warm dry dance hall with wooden floors and a band rotunder so joy could return to your lands.

With the most respect -
Nicolas Fairybottom Esq.
Ruined mill road.

Dear Lady,
We also wish you to partition the Count to get a wizard to control the weather to remove the ash storms from Borovia.

Once the weather is normal we would like you to consider -
The replenishment of our hay bails, for feeding stock as it is completely gone.
Also, our livestock has dwindled over the last year, with the ash rain from Borovia and we wish you to purchase 300 more dairy cows and 500 sheep and 70 goats and chickens and 20 pigs. We also have no horses or mules remaining.
We also need the ash streams restored to good health with clean water and then fish and eel.
A food reserve for the local households would also be good and wise, given the troubled times.
Also, the wool sheds are in poor condition as well as the shearing sheds.

GM: Jono Bean (ph 021 917 173)

Aura: NA
Plane of Origin: Alusia
Nature of Magic: None
Magically Trapped/warded/cursed: No
Level: Medium
Game: Spy Game - 817 WK & 818 WK