Arcane items - Info for GMs

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Info for GMs:

In general the idea is to empower players to shape the direction of items for their characters. If the GM wishes they can give out quest reward favours along with cash as payment for employment. As a general guideline we expect that this will be done in line with exp point progression.

3 - 6 Bunney, 6 - 9 Low, 12-16 Medium, 24-36 High, 48-65 Extreme

Adding items:

Feel free to add items - create sub groups or if you are up for the workload creat a new Law having Seven Sets of items to it.

Aims of Arcane items system

Empower players to shape of character direction independent of a GM within the confines of a sandbox.

Less work load of items for new GMs, and a example of some items.

Standard items so GMs will become familiar with them.

At the same time creating groups of items which are exclusive so only one of five are able to be purchased/used by a character allowing for diversity amount similar characters.

An attempt at encouraging characters out of high protection armour (particularly casters) for lower protection armour with other shiny bits on it.

An attempt to get player to remove (by sale) older items for less numbers of new items.

A sandbox to test items / ideas with an expiry date (with some refund) - such as wands with 'Extended Prepare actions' on them. Thief items supporting group-play.

An attempt to support Heavy Warrior / Tank type of characters with high EN items not necessarily high Armour items.