Fire Giant

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Natural Habitat
Caverns, Highlands, Waste
1-4 (1)
Fire giants are large humanoids about 12 feet tall.
Fire giants are linked with the element of fire, and gain +5% when casting fire magics. This affinity leads most fire giant adepts to be fire mages. They may never learn ice magics. Their magic resistance is increased by 10% except against ice magics, against which their magic resistance is reduced by 20%.
Movement Rates
Running: 400-500
PS: 15-33 MD: 4-22 AG: 3-21 MA: 4-22 EN: 20-38 FT: 18-24
WP: 4-22 PC: 5-23 PB: 5-23 TMR: 8-10 NA: None
Fire giants prefer the glaive and sword, and will have Rank 1-3 with these weapons. Armour heavier than leather is rare, although it does occur.
Giant Glaive: BC 65%, [D + 9], Melee, Rank 1-3.
2-Handed Sword: BC 55%, [D + 7], Melee, Rank 1-3.