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== Scribe Notes ==
== Scribe Notes ==

26th - Eurin and Boli were having drinks and a few games of cards before Boli had to go off to a "deal"
27th - Boli was chasing after someone with his newest greatest idea. Someone who could make him rich. Boli no longer had a soul.
28th - Eurin and Boli were out drinking in several taverns, Boli payed for drinks that night.
29th - Boli was supposed to have been acting in a show. Boli was murdered that morning
30th - There was again meant to be a show. Eurin learnt about his death on this day

Revision as of 00:38, 23 March 2018

Scribe Notes


GM: Stephen
Season: Autumn 818 WK
Night: Tuesdays, starting 7pm on 14th March
Location: New Windsor
Level: Low-Medium

  1. Horton - Human Mind Mage - Errol - Party Leader
  2. Kharmul - Celestial (Shadow) - Chris
  3. Anooke - an Ice Mage Hobbit with experience of murder, played byMichael Haycock
  4. Jaycey - Halfling Illusionist - Anne - Mil Sci
  5. Sylvestor - Elf Water Mage - Justis - Scribe
  6. Cipher - Dwarf Bunny Rune Mage - Beth
  7. Pierre the Halfling - Halfling Illusionist - Ian
Employer & Mission
A low-profile group is required to discreetly solve a murder in Seagate on behalf of a relative.

Scribe Notes


26th - Eurin and Boli were having drinks and a few games of cards before Boli had to go off to a "deal" 27th - Boli was chasing after someone with his newest greatest idea. Someone who could make him rich. Boli no longer had a soul. 28th - Eurin and Boli were out drinking in several taverns, Boli payed for drinks that night. 29th - Boli was supposed to have been acting in a show. Boli was murdered that morning 30th - There was again meant to be a show. Eurin learnt about his death on this day Duesday

Sylvestor here, with the job of scribe this season. Today the party, which consisted of three Halflings, a Dwarf, A Human and me, an Elf. Sat in the guild meeting room waiting for our employer, a Human non-mage by the name of Aryan. The human seemed to be carrying far more weapons than a normal person, and his cape flapping in a mysterious wind which is only there for him.

My first impression was that this was a very powerful man. Which means that he has powerful allies and enemies… The latter turns out may be truer than we expected.

Aryan introduces himself and then tells us all about what he wishes us to do. Aryan informs us that he recently found out his nephew was in town… After his nephew was murdered. Guild security essentially told him that he was not allowed to go rampaging through the streets, murdering everyone until the murderer, was also dead.

Aryan reluctantly agreed to send a party of adventurers to discreetly investigate the death. Other important details to be noted included the soul was missing. The body had been dead for two days. Oh, and the guards had ruled it as a mugging gone wrong.

Payment was included of 50,000sp for finding out who the murderer was and generally more info. Another 50,000 SP for bringing them to justice. Aryan didn’t tell us what “justice” meant only that justice could be done as we see fit.

We then decided that Horton, our resident Human (and mind mage) would be party leader.

 Anooke - “You’re a mind mage you’re going to be telling us what to do anyway.”

I became scribe, and we set Jaycey as primary mil-sci, with Pierre as our secondary. Now onto those on the adventure. We had Anooke, a Halfling Ice Mage, Pierre the Halfling, an Illusionist, Horton our Human Mind Mage, next up is Cipher, a bunny Rune Mage- who has two years’ worth of experience and training provided by the guild. Then there is Jaycey, my friend Jaycey who shared my first adventure with me. She is an Illusionist. So, all up we have three natural thie…. I mean Halflings with the Halfling racial trait, two of which are illusionists. Inconspicuous group. Yeah, we got that covered.

We decided on investigating the body of Boliver, who was found in the early morning, dead on Broad Street, outside the Broad Street Theatre, by lead actress Anatalia, a 17-18-year-old Human Female from Brandenburg. We found that Boliver had a gash across his neck. Very professionally done. Right-handed killer, with a very sharp blade. Bruised arms showed some form of self-defense. No valuables were found on his possession.

Dragon company which is the day watch in Old Seagate reported the murder as a mugging gone wrong. Aryan has had disputes with Dragon Company in the past resulting in the Lieutenant of Dragon Company and Aryan having a duel. Aryan spec-rev and the Lieutenant lost his arm. Ever since then Phoenix company- the night watch- and Dragon Company have not been on the best of terms. And Dragon Company have a strong dislike of Aryan.

During our investigations we discovered that four days ago Boliver had started his “life” He had no history past the last four days. Thus, from this we concluded he lost his soul four days ago. He then was murdered two days ago. Our next decision was to head into Old Seagate. Pierre cast Disguise Illusion on the party. And Jaycey took out her cart and Pickles. Walking through the streets of New Seagate we were pampered by market stalls and their owners, trying to sell phony Amulets of Elder-Daisy’s and Amulets of Copper- which become offered when Pierre pulled out his sock filled with gems. Pierre, to ditch the crowd threw a gem into the air behind him. A nice blue one. Anooke went off and pickpocketed some adult urchins. We then headed off to Old Seagate, and we passed many good taverns that I longed to enter mournfully.

Investigating the “crime scene” we found no traces of blood, but felt if we dug down enough… The current show playing at the Theatre was Red Hand Bandit. There was a note that read the Understudy was to be playing the bandit. Edward is the manager of this Theatre. We also discovered there was no show on tonight because of the Guild Meeting. There was however a wake for Boliver. We entered the Theatre and immediately came across a young man. Who was gloating about his amazing performance of the play. This was Pierta the understudy, who had taken on the lead role since Boliver’s death.

After a brief encounter with the energetic understudy, we moved off to speak to Anatalia, the lead actress. Anatalia and Pierre have a brief history with each other. We all got introduced to her. And we found out that she and Boliver had been “seeing a bit of each other” and she seemed “genuinely” upset about his passing. She told us that she saw a Ruffian bending over the body, then when she called out to him, the dude turned off. She went over to see what the thing was he was investigating and started shouting for the guards when she saw the blood. Later she realized it was Boli.

She also told us that he started acting weird two days before his death, right around the time we figured he had lost his soul. They had a fight and she was upset because he called her names.

Edward is a middle-aged man, who was currently writing a script about two star-crossed lovers that run away from their family to be together. They run away to the fey and get tricks played on them by the Fey. Edward tells us that Boli was a good actor, and that he worked odd jobs on the side. He also told us a girl came to see him, and that Gloriana may know more.

So, after saying goodbye we went and spoke to Gloriana. Gloriana was genuinely upset over Boli’s passing, she said that she thought Boli and her were in love. She told us that Rosie was one of his “fans” and that she came by the other day asking about Boli’s family. Gloriana kicked her out. Gloriana also told us where Boli had been staying. Something that no-one else knew about the kid.

Off to investigate Boli’s living arrangements. There seemed to be nothing of value, we even checked the hidden floorboard compartment and there was nothing there. One of the Boli’s neighbors told us of a friend Boli had, a foreigner with a sing-song voice and wearing a skirt. Which we defined as Caledonian.

A search of the docks revealed two ships, the one we were interested in was the Wave-Sea. At a nearby tavern. We sat and ate food and drank ale. Finding out that the “Wave-Sea” wasn’t in dock. As to avoid a tax. We then went to return to the Theatre for the evenings wake. However, Jaycey’s cart was now missing a wheel. Putting cart and Pickles away. We then went off to the Theatre. Here we met yet another suspect. Carlos, one of the actors, who was not very sad Boli was gone. We found out it was because he mooned after Anatalia. So, we would be questioning him. The Caledonian wasn’t there so it made for not a good friend scenario.

We were met up by Kharmul, a Celestial Shadow mage that the guild sent to join us during the wake. The wake didn't give us much more detail, there was no Rosie at this wake. We went off to a rough tavern at 3am after talking for an hour. Including catching Kharmul up on what we had learned so far. Followed by a conversation on Kharmul's abilities.

 Kharmul-"I can take on different personas"
 Anooke- "You can shape-change?"


Loot and Expenses


Autumn 818wk: Fruit (4)
Moonday Duesday W'ansday Th'rsday Frysday Reapsday Sunday
Lugnasad 1 Guild Meeting 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 1 2 3 4
Autumn 818wk: Harvest (5)
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 Equinox 16 17 18
19 Harvest Moon .. 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 1 2
Autumn 818wk: Vintage (6)
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 Blood Moon 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Beerfest